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24-mesačná záruka*


ABB Aurora Power-One PVI-330.0-TL Zentral-Wechselrichter

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ABB Aurora Power-One PVI-330.0-TL central inverter

The central inverters from ABB are easily scalable and are based on 55kW inverter modules, which increase the usable power and offer high availability. Reduced performance or the failure of one module has no effect on the energy yield of the other modules. This device series is available with and without a transformer.

The efficiency of the power conversion with up to 98% (-TL) is the market leader, which in combination with the ultra-fast MPPT trackers optimizes the energy conversion under many operating conditions. These central inverters have a maximum input voltage of up to 1000 Vdc, a flexible configuration and reduced DC distribution losses in large photovoltaic systems.

In non-grounded installations, the unit can be configured as a single or with independent MPPT‘s (with the exception of the PVI-55.0 / -TL). Easy installation and maintenance. Inverter modules can be exchanged from the front. This guarantees easy access to all important components.


• Reduced susceptibility to failure. If an inverter module fails, a maximum loss of 55kW occurs
• Lower operating noise due to high switching frequency
• Reverse polarity protection minimizes damage due to incorrect wiring
• Integrated DC / AC distribution and protection. No additional accessories required for installation.
Hmotnosť 85.00 kgs
Product Data Amount phases 3
Product Data Nominal AC power (W) 330000
Product Data DC voltage range (V) from 485
Product Data DC voltage range (V) until 800
Product Data Maximum input current (A) 738
Product Data Amount MPP Tracker 6
Product Data Euro efficiency in % 97
Product Data C ° working temperature range from -10
Product Data C ° working temperature range until 60
Product Data Interfaces PVI-USB-RS232_485 (opt.)
PVI-AEC-EVO (opt.), VSN700 Data Logger (opt.)
Product Data Transformer no
Product Data Display LCD display 16 characters x 2 lines for each module
Product Data Width (mm) 1250
Product Data Height (mm) 2184
Product Data Length (mm) 850
Product Data Weight (kg net) 60
Product Data Protection class (EU) IP20
Product Data Amount DC inputs 6
Product Data AC Connection 2 x 300 mm2 (M12)
Product Data DC Connection 6x185mm2 (M10) +6x300mm2 (M10)

* 24-mesačná záruka na nové diely, kompletné repasácie, ako aj repasované náhradné diely a diely na výmenu. Pri kompletnej repasácii, výmenea predaji náhradných dielov neuplatňujeme len naše preventívne opatrenia, ale pre každú elektronickú konštrukčnú zostavu vykonávame rozsiahle funkčné a záťažové testy. Okrem toho používame originálne a bezpečné komponenty, a zaručujeme tak bezpečnosť používaných konštrukčných zostáv podľa noriem smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.

** Na typ služby „Čistenie a kontrola“ neposkytujeme žiadnu záruku.

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