Táto internetová stránka používa súbory cookie a podobné technológie. Kliknutím na „Súhlasím“ súhlasíte s týmto spracovaním a tiež s prenosom vašich údajov poskytovateľom tretích strán. Údaje slúžia na analýzu, retargeting a zobrazovanie personalizovaného obsahu a reklamy na stránkach spoločnosti BVS Industrie-Elektronik GmbH, ako aj na stránkach poskytovateľov tretích strán. Technicky nevyhnutné súbory cookie sa nastavia aj vtedy, keď vyberiete možnosť Odmietnut. Ďalšie informácie vrátane informácií o spracovaní údajov poskytovateľmi tretích strán nájdete v nastaveniach a v našich pravidlách ochrany osobných údajov. Používanie súborov cookie môžete kedykoľvek spravovať prostredníctvom nastavení údajov.
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Here you have complete control over your privacy and can decide which cookies we are allowed and which we are not allowed to use. You can click on "Allow all Cookies" to allow the usage of all cookies described below.
We store the products from your shopping cart here, if you could not finish your checkout. On your next visit, all your products are still in your shopping cart.
We remember your personal settings here so that you do not have to make them again every time you visit - e.g. category selection, audio and video volume, list display and position, permanent hiding of information that you have already taken note of, etc.
Here we save which language, which country and which currency you prefer to use to browse our shop.
We use Google Analytics to better understand the use of the shop. Google Analytics uses the information collected for BVS Industrie-Elektronik GmbH to evaluate the use of the shop, to compile reports for shop activities and to provide BVS Industrie-Elektronik GmbH as the website operator with other services related to shop and internet usage. No personal data is transmitted to Google and the data is stored anonymously by Google.
We use Google Adwords on our website. With Google Adwords (Conversion Tracking), we and Google can recognize which ad a user clicked on and which page they were redirected to. The information obtained with the help of the cookies is used to generate statistics for AdWords customers who use conversion tracking. These statistics tell us the total number of users who clicked on the ad placed by Google and were redirected to a website with a conversion tracking tag.
Facebook remarketing enables us to target our users with advertising who are already interested in our shop and our products. During retargeting, the advertising material is displayed on the basis of a cookie-based analysis of previous user behavior.
We at BVS Industrie-Elektronik GmbH use products and services for analysis and marketing purposes that are made available by Visable GmbH (www.visable.com) in cooperation with them. For this purpose, the collection, processing and storage of data is carried out by means of counting pixel technology in order to create at least pseudonymized and, where possible and sensible, completely anonymized usage profiles.
Alternatively you can disallow the usage of cookies and dismiss the cookie banner permanently by clicking on deactivate.
Vďaka našim skúsenostiam, ktoré získavame už od roku 1987, a jedinečnej znalosti výrobcov vám poskytujeme rozsiahle spektrum výkonov pre kompletnú CNC priemyselnú elektroniku, PLC automatizačnú techniku a robotizáciu vo forme opravi, predaja a servisu. Okrem produktov od medzinárodne uznávaných značkových výrobcov vám ponúkame individuálne IPC a HMI riešenia prostredníctvom našej vlastnej značky unipo®.