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24-mesačná záruka*


KACO Powador 30.0 TL3 inverter

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KACO Powador 30.0 TL3 inverter

The Powador 30.0 TL3 to 60.0 TL3 transformerless three-phase inverters are particularly suitable for the decentralised installation of PV systems in commercial and industrial areas, for example halls and factory roofs. The devices enable an extremely flexible design of the PV system. Optimum adaptation is achieved by the three separate MPP trackers, which can be loaded symmetrically or asymmetrically: Each tracker on its own is capable of handling 20 kW. This means that all typical requirements of more complex layouts, which an inhomogeneous design of the PV generator entails, can be met. Three MPP trackers are also an advantage for compensating mismatches between the modules, such as those caused by temperature differences and uneven solar radiation.

One string (variant M) or four strings (variant XL) can be connected per MPP tracker, depending on the design of the devices. Each of the three MPP trackers of the Powador 60.0 TL3 XL can even be assigned five strings.

The nominal input voltage range of 350 to 800 V is designed extra wide (480 to 850 V for the Powador 60.0 TL3). From 250 V, the inverters switch to the grid and during operation they even feed in at 200 V in order to ensure solar yields even for comparatively small areas. The peak efficiency is 98 %. The European efficiency of 97.8 % is also remarkable. But even in the lower output ranges, the devices achieve a very high partial load efficiency: at 5 % nominal output, they already operate with 95 % efficiency. Perfect communication is easy with these units. They are equipped with an integrated data logger with web server, a graphic display for displaying operating data and a USB port for uploading firmware updates.

The yield data can be retrieved and evaluated both via USB and the web server. The integrated data logger can also be connected directly to the Powador-web Internet portal for professional evaluation and visualisation of the inverter data. A number of country presets are programmed into the inverters, which can be easily selected on site during installation. Regardless of this, the desired operating language can be set. The inverters comply with all directives and, from software version 1.11, support the functions of the Powador-protect for the purpose of grid and system protection as well as power management in accordance with EEG 2012. Cost advantages are provided by the integrated string collector with string fuses and surge protection for the XL version of the units. For the M variants, the external Powador Mini-Argus string collector is used instead.
Product Data Amount phases 3
Product Data Nominal AC power (W) 25000
Product Data DC voltage range (V) from 200
Product Data DC voltage range (V) until 800
Product Data Maximum input current (A) 3
Product Data Amount MPP Tracker 3
Product Data Euro efficiency in % 97
Product Data C ° working temperature range from -20
Product Data C ° working temperature range until 60
Product Data Interfaces Ethernet, USB, RS485, S0 output
Product Data Transformer no
Product Data Display yes
Product Data Width (mm) 840
Product Data Height (mm) 1360
Product Data Length (mm) 355
Product Data Weight (kg net) 151
Product Data Standard manufacturer warranty (years (opt)) 5
Product Data Protection class (EU) IP54
Product Data AC Connection AC connection via screw terminals, bushing 1 x M50, max. Cross section: 50 mm²
Product Data DC Connection DC connection M version: spring-loaded terminals 6-35 mm²; DC connection XL version: screw and spring-type terminals 10 mm2, bushing 6 x M32

* 24-mesačná záruka na nové diely, kompletné repasácie, ako aj repasované náhradné diely a diely na výmenu. Pri kompletnej repasácii, výmenea predaji náhradných dielov neuplatňujeme len naše preventívne opatrenia, ale pre každú elektronickú konštrukčnú zostavu vykonávame rozsiahle funkčné a záťažové testy. Okrem toho používame originálne a bezpečné komponenty, a zaručujeme tak bezpečnosť používaných konštrukčných zostáv podľa noriem smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.

** Na typ služby „Čistenie a kontrola“ neposkytujeme žiadnu záruku.

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