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24-mesačná záruka*


REFUsol 333K central inverter

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REFUsol 333K central inverter

The new and highly efficient central inverter suited for outdoor areas and industrial rooftops - REFUso/ 333K - with its low system costs and an extremely high level of efficiency of over 98.5%. lts compact configuration and its low weight of approximately 850 kg means logistics and infrastructure costs can be reduced considerably.

The high output voltage of 690 VAC enables the parallel operation of several devices on just one transformer. This time-proven technology comes from the wind industry and is clearly cheaper and results in lower loss-levels than several small transformers.

Thanks to the UltraEta® circuit topology, the REFUso/ 333K has a very high peak efficiency of over 98.5%.The efficiency curve has an efficiency of over 98.4% over a wide MPP range. This means high levels of efficiency are also guaranteed at low levels of sunlight.

The high energy yield, ease of installation, efficient operation, use of standard transformers and components used in the wind industry, leads to a significant reduction in BOS and total system cost for large PV systems.
Product Data Amount phases 3
Product Data DC voltage range (V) from 575
Product Data DC voltage range (V) until 1150
Product Data Amount MPP Tracker 1
Product Data Euro efficiency in % 98
Product Data C ° working temperature range from -20
Product Data C ° working temperature range until 55
Product Data Transformer yes
Product Data Display yes
Product Data Width (mm) 1230
Product Data Height (mm) 1610
Product Data Length (mm) 810
Product Data Weight (kg net) 850
Product Data Protection class (EU) IP 65
Product Data Amount DC inputs 4

* 24-mesačná záruka na nové diely, kompletné repasácie, ako aj repasované náhradné diely a diely na výmenu. Pri kompletnej repasácii, výmenea predaji náhradných dielov neuplatňujeme len naše preventívne opatrenia, ale pre každú elektronickú konštrukčnú zostavu vykonávame rozsiahle funkčné a záťažové testy. Okrem toho používame originálne a bezpečné komponenty, a zaručujeme tak bezpečnosť používaných konštrukčných zostáv podľa noriem smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.

** Na typ služby „Čistenie a kontrola“ neposkytujeme žiadnu záruku.

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