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24-mesačná záruka*


SolarMax 15MT2 inverter

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Dostupnosť: Dostupné napájanie
Dodacia lehota: na vyžiadanie
Cena: na vyžiadanie

Expresná kompletná oprava*
Dostupnosť: Dostupné napájanie
Dodacia lehota: na vyžiadanie
Cena: na vyžiadanie

Čistenie & revízia**
Dostupnosť: Dostupné napájanie
Dodacia lehota: na vyžiadanie
Cena: na vyžiadanie
SolarMax 15MT2 inverter Two asymmetrically resilient MPP trackers provide access to make optimal use of different roof boundaries, inclination angles and releases. So that exists the three-phase string inverters of the MT2 series especially for use on the same path with large open and angled roofs Partly shaded east or west roofs. But also Large, decentralized systems can be used with the new MT2 inverters can be realized perfectly. The already very long input voltage range of the MT series is still obtained with the SolarMax MT2 through visible DC input currents. So stands high-quality photovoltaic systems with modern, workable Modules that change large string currents have nothing in their way. The already very long input voltage range of the MT series is still obtained with the SolarMax MT2 through visible DC input currents. So stands high-quality photovoltaic systems with modern, workable Modules that change large string currents have nothing in their way.
Product Data Amount phases 3
Product Data Nominal AC power (W) 15000
Product Data DC voltage range (V) from 430
Product Data DC voltage range (V) until 750
Product Data Maximum input current (A) 36
Product Data Amount MPP Tracker 2
Product Data Euro efficiency in % 97
Product Data C ° working temperature range from -20
Product Data C ° working temperature range until 60
Product Data Interfaces RS485 / Ethernet
Product Data Transformer no
Product Data Display Graphic LC display with background lighting and status LED
Product Data Width (mm) 550
Product Data Height (mm) 750
Product Data Length (mm) 200
Product Data Weight (kg net) 39
Product Data Standard manufacturer warranty (years (opt)) 5 ( 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 )
Product Data Protection class (EU) IP 65
Product Data Amount DC inputs 2
Product Data AC Connection Plug (lockable)
Product Data DC Connection MC4

* 24-mesačná záruka na nové diely, kompletné repasácie, ako aj repasované náhradné diely a diely na výmenu. Pri kompletnej repasácii, výmenea predaji náhradných dielov neuplatňujeme len naše preventívne opatrenia, ale pre každú elektronickú konštrukčnú zostavu vykonávame rozsiahle funkčné a záťažové testy. Okrem toho používame originálne a bezpečné komponenty, a zaručujeme tak bezpečnosť používaných konštrukčných zostáv podľa noriem smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.

** Na typ služby „Čistenie a kontrola“ neposkytujeme žiadnu záruku.

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