Vaše výhody s BVS Electronics
Hmotnost | 14.50 kgs |
Rozměry (ŠxVxH) | 42 cm x 32 cm x 62 cm |
Fehler ID | Fehlername |
1000 | System error %1 |
1001 | System error %1 |
1002 | System error %1 |
1003 | Alarm pointer for this self-clearing alarm %1 is zero |
1004 | Alarm reaction to NCK alarm incorrectly configured |
1005 | Operating system error %1 parameter %2 %3 %4 |
1010 | Channel %1 system error %2 action %3 |
1011 | Channel %1 %3 %4 system error %2 |
1012 | Channel %1 system error %2 %3 %4 |
1013 | Channel %1 system error %2 |
1014 | Channel %1 system error %2 |
1015 | Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3 |
1016 | Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3 |
1017 | Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3 |
1018 | Floating point arithmetic error in channel %1 task %2 station %3 FPU state %4 %4 |
1019 | Floating point arithmetic error at address %3 in channel %1 task %2 FPU state %4 |
1030 | System error in link module error code %1 error type %2 |
1031 | Link module generated an unspecified error %1 NCU %2 %3 %4 |
1100 | No valid firmware |
1160 | Assertion failed in %1: %2 |
2000 | PLC sign-of-life monitoring |
2001 | PLC has not started up |
2100 | NCK battery warning threshold reached |
2101 | NCK battery alarm |
2102 | NCK battery alarm |
2110 | NCK temperature alarm |
2120 | NCK fan alarm |
2130 | 5V/24V encoder or 15V D/A converter under voltage |
2140 | The actual service switch position forces a SRAM to be cleared at the next Power On (general reset active) |
2190 | Hardware plug-in module for communication with the digitizer missing |
2192 | No NCU link module exists, MD %1 reset |
2193 | “Safety Integrated” is not available for link axis %1. |
2195 | Channel %1 axis %2 high-speed punching/nibbling not possible via link |
2196 | Link axis active and $MN_MM_SERVO_FIFO_SIZE != %1 |
2900 | Reboot is delayed |
3000 | Emergency stop |
3001 | Internal emergency stop |
4000 | Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] has gap in axis assignment |
4001 | Channel %1 axis %2 defined for more than one channel via machine data %3 |
4002 | Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] assigns an axis not defined in channel |
4003 | Axis %1 incorrect assignment of master channel in machine data %2 |
4004 | Channel %1 machine data %2 axis %3 defined repeatedly as geometry axis |
4005 | Maximum number of axes in channel %1 exceeded. Limit %2 |
4007 | Axis %1 incorrect assignment of master NCU in machine data %2 |
4010 | Invalid identifier used in machine data %1[%2] |
4011 | Channel %1 invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3] |
4012 | Invalid identifier used in machine data %1[%2] |
4013 | Invalid NCU link configuration by machine data %1 = %2 , on NCU_1 = %3 |
4014 | Axis %1 defined several times in %2 |
4016 | Axis %1 already used by NCU %2 |
4017 | Axis container %1, location %2 already used by NCU %3 |
4018 | Axis container %1, location %2 not used by any channel |
4019 | Axis container %1 advance not allowed with current status of NCU %2 |
4020 | Identifier %1 used several times in machine data %2 |
4021 | Channel %1 identifier %2 used several times in machine data %3 |
4022 | Axis container %3 switch not allowed: ext. zero offset active channel %1 axis %2 |
4023 | Axis container %1 switch not allowed, axis container %2 switch active |
4024 | Invalid axis configuration due to missing axis container machine data |
4025 | Axis container %3 switch not allowed: master/slave active channel %1 axis %2 |
4026 | Machine data %1[%2], link axis NC%3_AX%4 not used by any channel |
4027 | Notice: MD %1 was also changed for the other axes of axis container %2 |
4028 | Notice! The axial MDs of the axes of the axis containers were matched. |
4029 | Notice: the axial MDs in axis container %1 will be matched on the next power-up |
4030 | Channel %1 axis identifier missing in machine data %2[%3] |
4031 | Channel %1 link axis %2 defined for more than one channel in machine data %3 |
4032 | Channel %1 wrong identifier for facing axis in %2 |
4033 | Notice: NCU link communication still not connected |
4034 | Local link axis %1 is not allowed for different interpolation cycle time = %2/%3 |
4035 | Interpolation cycle from NCU%1 = %2 does not match NCU%3 = %4 |
4036 | Wrong NCU link configuration by MD %1 |
4040 | Channel %1 axis identifier %2 not consistent with machine data %3 |
4045 | Channel %1 conflict between machine data %2 and machine data %3 |
4050 | NC code identifier %1 cannot be reconfigured to %2 |
4060 | Standard machine data loaded |
4062 | Backup data loaded |
4065 | Buffered memory was restored from backup medium (potential loss of data!) |
4066 | Buffered memory of FFS restored from backup medium (potential loss of data!) |
4070 | Normalizing machine data has been altered |
4073 | Compile cycle functions define machine data number %1 several times |
4075 | Machine data %1 (and maybe others) not altered due to missing permission level %2 |
4076 | %1 Machine data could not be altered with permission level %2 |
4077 | New value %1 of MD %2 not set. Requested %3 bytes too much %4 memory. |
4080 | Incorrect configuration of indexing axis in MD %1 |
4090 | Too many errors during power-up |
4100 | System cycle time/scan time divider corrected for digital drive |
4102 | Default values for drive cycle times differ |
4110 | IPO factor increased to %1 |
4111 | PLC cycle increased to %1 ms |
4112 | Servo cycle changed to %1 ms |
4113 | Sysclock cycle changed to %1 ms |
4114 | Error in DP cycle of SDB1000 |
4115 | Time ratio communication to Ipo changed to %1 |
4150 | Channel %1 invalid M function sub program call configured |
4152 | Illegal configuration of the “Block display with absolute values” function |
4160 | Channel %1 invalid M function number configured for spindle switchover |
4170 | Invalid M function number for channel synchronisation assigned |
4180 | Invalid M function number assigned to enable ASUP |
4181 | Channel %1 invalid assignment of an M auxiliary function number |
4182 | Channel %1 invalid M auxiliary function number in %2%3, MD reset |
4183 | Channel %1 M auxiliary function number %2 used several times (%3 and %4) |
4184 | Channel %1 illegally predefined auxiliary function in %2%3, MD reset |
4185 | Channel %1 illegal auxiliary function configured %2 %3 %4 |
4200 | Channel %1 geometry axis %2 must not be declared a rotary axis |
4210 | Channel %1 spindle %2 declaration as rotary axis missing |
4215 | Channel %1 spindle %2 declaration as modulo axis missing |
4220 | Channel %1 spindle %2 declared repeatedly |
4225 | Channel %1 axis %2 declaration as rotary axis missing |
4230 | Channel %1 data alteration from external not possible in current channel state |
4240 | Runtime overflow for IPO cycle or position controller cycle, IP %1 |
4250 | FastPlcCom functionality not available |
4252 | PLCIO read error: %1 |
4254 | PLCIO write error: %1 |
4260 | Machine data %1 illegal |
4270 | Machine data %1 assigns not activated NCK input/output byte %2 |
4275 | Machine data %1 and %2 both assign the same NCK output byte no. %3 several times |
4280 | Assignment of NCK input/output byte via MD %1[%2] does not match hardware configuration |
4282 | Hardware of external NCK outputs assigned repeatedly |
4285 | Error on terminal block %1, error code %2 |
4290 | Local P-bus sign-of-life monitoring |
4291 | Module in local P-bus slot %1 error codes %2 %3 %4 %2 %3 %4 |
4300 | Declaration in MD %1 is not allowed for geometry axis/spindle %2. |
4310 | Declaration in MD %1 index %2 is not allowed. |
4320 | Axis %1 function %2 %3 and %4 not allowed |
4334 | Channel %1 The amount of fine correction in parameter %2 of the orientable toolholder %3 is too large |
4336 | Channel %1 orientable toolholder no. %2 for orientation transformation %3 does not exist |
4338 | Channel %1 invalid transformation type ‘%2’ in toolholder %3 for orientation transformer %4 |
4340 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid transformation type in transformation no. %3 |
4341 | Channel %1 block %2 no data set available for transformation no. %3 |
4342 | Channel %1 invalid machine data for general 5-axis transformation error no. %2 |
4343 | Channel %1 attempt made to change the machine data of an active transformation. |
4345 | Channel %1 invalid configuration in chained transformation no.%2 |
4346 | Channel %1 invalid geoaxis assignment in machine data %2[%3] |
4347 | Channel %1 invalid channel axis assignment in machine data %2[%3] |
4350 | Channel %1 axis identifier %2 machine data %3 not consistent with machine data %4 |
4400 | MD alteration will cause reorganisation of buffered memory (loss of data!) |
4502 | Channel %1 anachronism %2(%3) -> %4 |
5000 | Communication job not executable %1 |
6000 | Memory reorganized using standard machine data |
6010 | Channel %1 data block %2 not or not completely created, error code %3 |
6020 | Machine data have been altered – now memory is reorganized |
6030 | Limit of user memory has been adapted |
6035 | Instead of %1 KB the system has only %2 KB of free user memory of type “%3” |
6100 | Error while creating %1, error number %2 %3 |
6401 | Channel %1 tool change not possible: Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available. |
6402 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available |
6403 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine location number %2 on magazine %3 not available. |
6404 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool %2 not available or not usable |
6405 | Channel %1 command %2 has invalid PLC acknowledge parameter %3 – identifier %4 |
6406 | Channel %1 PLC acknowledge for command %2 is missing |
6407 | Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4.Invalid definition of magazine! |
6410 | TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its pre warning limit with D = %4 |
6411 | Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its prewarning limit with D = %4 |
6412 | TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D = %4 |
6413 | Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D = %4 |
6421 | Channel %1 tool move not possible. Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available. |
6422 | Channel %1 tool move not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available. |
6423 | Channel %1 tool move not possible. Location %2 on magazine %3 not available. |
6424 | Channel %1 tool move not possible. Tool %2 not available/not usable. |
6425 | Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4. Invalid definition of magazine! |
6430 | Workpiece counter: overflow in table of monitored cutting edges. |
6431 | Function not allowed. Tool management/monitoring is not active. |
6432 | Function not executable. No tool assigned to tool holder/spindle |
6433 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 not available with tool management |
6434 | Channel %1 block %2 NC command SETMTH not allowed because tool holder function not active |
6441 | Writing of $P_USEKT not allowed. |
6442 | Channel %1 function not executable. No tool assigned to desired magazine/magazine location %2. |
6450 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. Invalid magazine location no. %2 in buffer magazine |
6451 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. No buffer magazine defined. |
6452 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool holder/spindle number = %2 not defined. |
6453 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. No assignment between toolholder/spindle no. = %2 and buffer magazine location %3 |
6454 | Channel %1 tool change not possible. No distance relation available. |
6500 | NC memory full |
6510 | Too many part programs in the NC memory |
6520 | The value of the machine data %1%2 is too low |
6530 | Too many files in directory |
6540 | Too many directories in the NC memory |
6550 | Too many subdirectories |
6560 | Data format not allowed |
6570 | NC memory full |
6580 | NC memory full |
6600 | NC card memory is full |
6610 | Too many files open on NC card |
6620 | NC card has incorrect format |
6630 | NC card hardware is defective |
6640 | NC card is not inserted |
6650 | Write protection of NC card is active |
6660 | ‘Flash File System’ option is not set |
6670 | NC card read active |
6671 | NC card write active |
6690 | Cycles from NC card cannot be copied to the passive file system. |
6691 | Cycles from the passive file system cannot be saved on the NC card |
6692 | Cycle %1 lost |
6693 | File %1 lost |
6698 | Unknown NC card (%1/%2). Writing not possible. |
6700 | Channel %1 value of the machine data %2%3 is too low |
7000 | Too many compile cycle alarms defined |
7010 | Range of MMC alarm numbers for compile cycles exceeded |
7020 | Compile cycle alarm number has not been defined |
7100 | Compile cycles VDI area: %1 byte for inputs and %2 byte for outputs. Maximum %3 bytes available. |
7200 | Problem with externally linked compile cycle %1 %2 |
7201 | Assertion error in %1 line %2 |
7202 | Missing option bit for %1: %2 |
8000 | Channel %1 option ‘user interrupt programs’ not set |
8010 | Option ‘activation of more than %1 axes’ not set |
8020 | Option ‘activation of more than %1 channels’ not set |
8021 | Option ‘activation of more than %1 mode groups’ not set |
8022 | Option ‘activation of more than %1KB SRAM’ not set |
8030 | Channel %1 block %2 option ‘interpolation of more than 4 axes’ not set |
8032 | Option ‘activation of more than %1 link axes’ not set |
8034 | Option ‘activation of axis containers’ not set |
8036 | Option: it is not allowed to set different IPO cycles or position control cycles with NCU link. |
8038 | Option ‘activation of more than %1 lead link axes’ not set |
8040 | Machine data %1 reset, corresponding option is not set |
8041 | Axis %1: MD %2 reset, corresponding option not sufficient |
8044 | Option for IPO cycle time %1 ms not set |
8045 | Option for selected cycle settings not set |
8080 | %1 options are activated without setting the license key |
8081 | %1 options are activated that are not licensed by the license key |
8082 | The license key was entered three times, Power On required before next try. |
8098 | Invalid combination of options (%1) |
8100 | Channel %1 block %2: function not possible |
10203 | Channel %1 NC start without reference point |
10207 | Channel %1 error when selecting or deselecting the digitize function |
10208 | Channel %1 continue program with NC start |
10209 | Channel %1 internal NC stop after block search |
10222 | Channel %1 inter-channel communication not possible |
10223 | Channel %1: Command %2 is already occupied |
10225 | Channel %1: command denied |
10299 | Channel %1 Auto-Repos function is not enabled |
10600 | Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function during thread cutting active |
10601 | Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity at block end point during thread cutting |
10604 | Channel %1 block %2 thread lead increase too high |
10605 | Channel %1 block %2 thread lead decrease too high |
10607 | Channel %1 block %2 thread with frame not executable |
10610 | Channel %1 axis %2 not stopped |
10620 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 at software limit switch %4 |
10621 | Channel %1 axis %2 rests on software limit switch %3 |
10630 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 at working area limit %4 |
10631 | Channel %1 axis %2 rests at working area limit %3 |
10650 | Channel %1 axis %2 incorrect gantry machine data, error code %3 |
10651 | Channel %1 illegal gantry configuration. Error code %2 |
10652 | Channel %1 axis %2 gantry warning threshold exceeded |
10653 | Channel %1 axis %2 gantry error threshold exceeded |
10654 | Channel %1 waiting for synchronization start of gantry group %2 |
10655 | Channel %1 synchronization of gantry group %2 in progress |
10656 | Channel %1 axis %2 gantry alarm not yet used |
10700 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode |
10701 | Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode |
10702 | Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 violated during manual mode |
10703 | Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 violated during manual mode |
10704 | Channel %1 block %2 protection zone monitoring is not guaranteed |
10706 | Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode |
10707 | Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode |
10710 | Channel %1 block %2 conflict with centre less grinding |
10720 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4 |
10721 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4 |
10730 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4 |
10731 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4 |
10740 | Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks in WAB programming |
10741 | Channel %1 block %2 direction reversal with WAB infeed motion |
10742 | Channel %1 block %2 WAB distance invalid or not programmed |
10743 | Channel %1 block %2 WAB programmed several times |
10744 | Channel %1 block %2 no valid WAB direction defined |
10745 | Channel %1 block %2 WAB end position not clear |
10746 | Channel %1 block %2 block search stop for WAB |
10747 | Channel %1 block %2 retraction direction not defined for WAB |
10748 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal retract plane with WAB |
10750 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation activated without tool number |
10751 | Channel %1 block %2 danger of collision due to tool radius compensation |
10752 | Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer with tool radius compensation |
10753 | Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block |
10754 | Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block |
10755 | Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the current starting point |
10756 | Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the programmed end point |
10757 | Channel %1 block %2 changing the compensation plane while tool radius compensation is active not possible |
10758 | Channel %1 block %2 curvature radius with variable compensation value too small |
10759 | Channel %1 block %2 path is parallel to tool orientation |
10760 | Channel %1 block %2 helical axis is not parallel to tool orientation |
10761 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation for ellipse with more than one revolution not possible |
10762 | Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks with active tool radius compensation |
10763 | Channel %1 block %2 path component of the block in the compensation plane becomes zero |
10764 | Channel %1 block %2 discontinuous path with active tool radius compensation |
10765 | Channel %1 block %2 3D tool radius compensation not possible |
10766 | Channel %1 illegal change of surface orientation between block %2 and block %3 |
10767 | Channel %1 block %2 processing with tilt angle unequal 0 not possible |
10768 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation with 3D tool radius compensation |
10769 | Channel %1 block %2 Illegal surface normal vector with 3D tool radius compensation |
10770 | Channel %1 block %2 change of corner type due to change of orientation with active tool radius compensation |
10771 | Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer due to orientation smoothing |
10772 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation change when activating or deactivating 3D face cutting |
10773 | Channel %1 illegal tool orientation in block %2 at inside corner with block %3 |
10774 | Channel %1 illegal tool dimensions with face cutting in block %2 |
10775 | Channel %1 illegal tool change with face cutting in block %2 |
10776 | Channel %1 block%2 axis %3 must be geometry axis if tool radius compensation is active |
10777 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation: too many blocks with suppression of compensation |
10778 | Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation |
10779 | Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation |
10780 | Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation |
10781 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation of involute with tool radius compensation |
10782 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal curve type with tool radius compensation |
10783 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation type requires orientation transformation |
10784 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool for tool radius compensation with constraint surface |
10790 | Channel %1 block %2 plane change during linear programming with angles |
10791 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle during linear programming |
10792 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type during linear programming with angles |
10793 | Channel %1 block %2 second block missing during linear programming with angles |
10794 | Channel %1 block %2 angle specification missing in second block during linear interpolation with angles |
10795 | Channel %1 block %2 end point specification during angle programming contradictory |
10800 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 is not a geometry axis |
10805 | Channel %1 block %2 repositioning after switch of geometry axes or transformation |
10810 | Channel %1 block %2 master spindle not defined |
10820 | Channel %1 rotary axis/spindle %2 not defined |
10860 | Channel %1 block %2 feedrate not programmed |
10861 | Channel %1 block %3 velocity of positioning axis %2 is zero |
10862 | Channel %1 block %2 master spindle also used as path axis |
10870 | Channel %1 block %2 facing axis not defined |
10880 | Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks when inserting chamfers or radii |
10881 | Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when inserting chamfers or radii |
10882 | Channel %1 block %2 activation of chamfers or radii (non-modal) without traversing movement in the block |
10883 | Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or fillet has to be reduced |
10890 | Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when calculating splines |
10891 | Channel %1 block %2 multiplicity of node is greater than its order |
10900 | Channel %1 block %2 no S value programmed for constant cutting speed |
10910 | Channel %1 block %2 excessive velocity of one path axis |
10911 | Channel %1 block %2 transformation prohibits to traverse the pole |
10912 | Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized |
10913 | Channel %1 block %2 negative feed profile is ignored |
10914 | Movement not possible while transformation active – in channel %1, block %2 |
10930 | Channel %1 block %2 interpolation type not allowed in stock removal contour |
10931 | Channel %1 block %2 incorrect stock removal contour |
10932 | Channel %1 block %2 preparation of contour has been restarted |
10933 | Channel %1 block %2 contour program does not contain enough contour blocks |
10934 | Channel %1 block %2 array for contour segmentation is set too small |
10940 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: delete/overwrite not possible |
10941 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: NC memory full |
10942 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal instruction during definition |
10943 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: direction reversal of lead value in the block not allowed |
10944 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal transformation |
10945 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal coupling of axes |
10946 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: no contour defined |
10947 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: contour not continuous |
10948 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: position jump at end of period |
10949 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: missing master axis motion |
10950 | Channel %1 calculation of arc length function too inaccurate |
10951 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: following value period is zero |
10955 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: missing master axis motion |
10956 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: NC memory limit DRAM reached |
10960 | Channel %1 block %2 COMPCURV/COMPCAD and radius compensation cannot be used simultaneously |
10961 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum cubic polynomials are allowed on active radius compensation. |
10962 | Channel %1 block %2 function %3 not possible with path correction |
12000 | Channel %1 block %2 address %3 programmed repeatedly |
12010 | Channel %1 block %2 address %3 address type programmed too often |
12020 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal address modification |
12030 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter or data type in %3 |
12040 | Channel %1 block %2 expression %3 is not of data type ‘AXIS’ |
12050 | Channel %1 block %2 DIN address %3 not configured |
12060 | Channel %1 block %2 same G group programmed repeatedly |
12070 | Channel %1 block %2 too many syntax-defining G functions |
12080 | Channel %1 block %2 syntax error in text %3 |
12090 | Channel %1 block %2 unexpected parameter %3 |
12100 | Channel %1 block %2 number of passes %3 not permissible |
12110 | Channel %1 block %2 block syntax cannot be interpreted |
12120 | Channel %1 block %2 G function not separately programmed |
12130 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation |
12140 | Channel %1 block %2 functionality %3 not implemented |
12150 | Channel %1 block %2 operation %3 not compatible with data type |
12160 | Channel %1 block %2 range of values exceeded |
12170 | Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 defined repeatedly |
12180 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal chaining of operators %3 |
12190 | Channel %1 block %2 variable of type ARRAY has too many dimensions |
12200 | Channel %1 block %2 symbol %3 cannot be created |
12210 | Channel %1 block %2 string %3 too long |
12220 | Channel %1 block %2 binary constant %3 in string too long |
12230 | Channel %1 block %2 hexadecimal constant %3 in string too long |
12240 | Channel %1 block %2 tool orientation %3 defined repeatedly |
12250 | Channel %1 block %2 nested macro %3 not possible |
12260 | Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values specified %3 |
12261 | Channel %1 block %2 initialization of %3 not allowed |
12270 | Channel %1 block %2 macro identifier %3 already defined |
12280 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum macro length %3 exceeded |
12290 | Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic variable % 3 not defined |
12300 | Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference parameter missing on subroutine call %3 |
12310 | Channel %1 block %2 axis parameter missing on procedure call %3 |
12320 | Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 is no variable |
12330 | Channel %1 block %2 type of parameter %3 incorrect |
12340 | Channel %1 block %2 number of parameters too high %3 |
12350 | Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 no longer possible |
12360 | Channel %1 block %2 dimension of parameter %3 incorrect |
12370 | Channel %1 block %2 range of values %3 not permissible |
12380 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum memory capacity reached |
12390 | Channel %1 block %2 initialization value %3 cannot be converted |
12400 | Channel %1 block %2 field %3 element does not exist |
12410 | Channel %1 block %2 incorrect index type for %3 |
12420 | Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 too long |
12430 | Channel %1 block %2 specified index is invalid |
12440 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of formal arguments exceeded |
12450 | Channel %1 block %2 label defined twice |
12460 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded with %3 |
12470 | Channel %1 block %2 G function %3 is unknown |
12475 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid G function number %3 programmed |
12480 | Channel %1 block %2 subroutine %3 already defined |
12490 | Channel %1 block %2 access permission level %3 is not valid |
12500 | Channel %1 block %2 in this module %3 is not possible |
12510 | Channel %1 block %2 too many machine data %3 |
12520 | Channel %1 block %2 too many tool parameters %3 |
12530 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for %3 |
12540 | Channel %1 block %2 Block is too long or too complex |
12550 | Channel %1 block %2 name %3 not defined or option not installed |
12552 | Channel %1 block %2 tool/magazine OEM parameter not defined. Option not set.Option not set. |
12560 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed value %3 exceeds allowed limits |
12570 | Channel %1 block %2 too many motion synchronous actions in %3 |
12571 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for motion synchronous action |
12572 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 only permissible for motion synchronous action |
12580 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for assignment in motion synchronous action |
12581 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid read access to %3 while in motion synchronous action |
12582 | Channel %1 block %2 field index %3 incorrect |
12583 | Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 no system variable |
12584 | Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be read synchronously with motion |
12585 | Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be changed synchronously with motion |
12586 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: type conflict in variable %3 |
12587 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: operation/function %3 not allowed |
12588 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: address %3 not allowed |
12589 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: variable %3 not allowed with modal ID |
12590 | Channel %1 block %2 global user data cannot be created |
12600 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid line checksum |
12610 | Channel %1 block %2 accessing single character with call-by-reference parameter not possible %3 |
12620 | Channel %1 block %2 accessing this variable as single character not possible |
12630 | Channel %1 block %2 skip ID/label in control structure not allowed |
12640 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid nesting of control structures |
12641 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum nesting depth of control structures exceeded |
12650 | Channel %1 block %2 axis identifier %3 different in channel %4 |
12660 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: variable %3 reserved for motion synchronous actions and technology cycles |
12661 | Channel %1 block %2 technology cycle %3: no further subprogram call possible |
12700 | Channel %1 block %2 contour definition programming not allowed as modal sub program is active |
12701 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type for contour definition active |
12710 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal language element in external language mode |
12720 | Channel %1 block %2 program number for macro call (G65/G66) missing |
12722 | Channel %1 block %2 multiple ISO_2/3 macro or cycle calls in the block |
12724 | Channel %1 block %2 no radius programmed for cylinder interpolation activation/deactivation |
12726 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane selection with parallel axes |
12728 | Channel %1 block %2 distance for double turret not set |
12730 | Channel %1 block %2 no valid transformation machine data parametrized |
12740 | Channel %1 block %2 modal macro call %3 not possible |
14000 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of file |
14001 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of block |
14009 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal program path %3 |
14010 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid default parameter in subroutine call |
14011 | Channel %1 block %2 program %3 not existing or will be edited |
14012 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum subroutine level exceeded |
14013 | Channel %1 block %2 number of subroutine passes invalid |
14014 | Channel %1 selected program %3 not available or will be edited |
14015 | Channel %1 block %2 program %3 is not enabled |
14016 | Channel %1 block %2 error when calling the subroutine via M/T function |
14017 | Channel %1 block %2 syntax error when calling the subroutine via M function |
14020 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call |
14021 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call |
14025 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: illegal modal ID |
14026 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: invalid polynomial number in the FCTDEF command |
14030 | Channel %1 block %2 combine OSCILL and POSP during oscillation with in feed motion |
14033 | Channel %1 block %2 involute: no end point programmed |
14034 | Channel %1 block %2 involute: angle of rotation too large |
14035 | Channel %1 block %2 involute: start point invalid |
14036 | Channel %1 block %2 involute: end point invalid |
14037 | Channel %1 block %2 involute: radius invalid |
14038 | Channel %1 block %2 involute not definable: end point error |
14039 | Channel %1 block %2 involute: end point programmed several times |
14040 | Channel %1 block %2 error in end point of circle |
14045 | Channel %1 block %2 error in tangential circle programming |
14048 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong number of revolutions in circle programming |
14050 | Channel %1 block %2 nesting depth for arithmetic operations exceeded |
14051 | Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic error in part program |
14060 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid skip level with differential block skip |
14070 | Channel %1 block %2 memory for variables not sufficient for subroutine call |
14080 | Channel %1 block %2 jump destination %3 not found |
14082 | Channel %1 block %2 label %3 program section not found |
14085 | Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed |
14088 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 doubtful position |
14090 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number |
14091 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal function, index %3 %3 |
14092 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is wrong axis type |
14093 | Channel %1 block %2 path interval |
14094 | Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 3 programmed for polynominal interpolation |
14095 | Channel %1 block %2 radius for circle programming too small |
14096 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal type conversion |
14097 | Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be converted to AXIS type |
14098 | Channel %1 block %2 conversion error: no valid number found |
14099 | Channel %1 block %2 result in string concatenation too long |
14100 | Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not available |
14101 | Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not active |
14102 | Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 5 programmed for orientation vector angle |
14110 | Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles and orientation vector components programmed |
14111 | Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles, orientation vector and transformation axes programmed |
14112 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed orientation path not possible |
14113 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed lead angle too large |
14114 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed tilt angle too large |
14115 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal definition of workpiece surface |
14116 | Channel %1 block %2 absolute orientation programmed while ORIPATH is active |
14117 | Channel %1 block %2 no angle or direction of the cone programmed |
14118 | Channel %1 block %2 no end orientation programmed |
14119 | Channel %1 block %2 no intermediate orientation programmed |
14120 | Channel %1 block %2 plane determination for programmed orientation not possible |
14122 | Channel %1 block %2 angle and direction of the cone programmed |
14123 | Channel %1 block %2 nutation angle of the cone too small |
14124 | Channel %1 block %2 start tangent for orientation is zero |
14125 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed rotation is not possible |
14129 | Channel %1 block %2 orientation angles and orientation vector components programmed |
14130 | Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values given |
14131 | Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes and lead/tilt angles programmed |
14132 | Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes incorrectly configured |
14133 | Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation definition not allowed |
14134 | Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation interpolation not allowed |
14140 | Channel %1 block %2 position programming without transformation not allowed |
14144 | Channel %1 block %2 PTP movement not allowed |
14146 | Channel %1 block %2 CP or PTP movement without transformation not allowed |
14148 | Channel %1 illegal reference system for Cartesian manual traverse |
14150 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier number programmed or declared (MD) |
14151 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier rotation |
14152 | Channel %1 block %2 tool carrier: invalid orientation. Error code: %3 |
14153 | Channel %1 block %2 unknown tool carrier type: %3 |
14154 | Channel %1 block %2 The amount of fine correction in parameter %3 of the orientable tool holder %4 is too large |
14155 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid base frame definition for tool carrier offset |
14156 | Channel %1 toolholder selection error at reset |
14157 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with MOVT |
14159 | Channel %1 block %2 more than two angles programmed with ROTS or AROTS |
14160 | Channel %1 block %2 tool length selection without geometry axis specification |
14165 | Channel %1 block %2 active T number does not match selected tool |
14170 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with tool length compensation |
14180 | Channel %1 block %2 H number is not defined |
14185 | Channel %1 block %2 D number is not defined |
14190 | Channel %1 block %2 H number with G49 |
14195 | Channel %1 block %2 D number with G49 |
14197 | Channel %1 block %2 D number and H number programmed simultaneously |
14198 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with tool offset |
14199 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane change for tool with diameter component |
14200 | Channel %1 block %2 negative polar radius |
14210 | Channel %1 block %2 polar angle too large |
14250 | Channel %1 block %2 negative pole radius |
14260 | Channel %1 block %2 pole angle too large |
14270 | Channel %1 block %2 pole programmed incorrectly |
14280 | Channel %1 block %2 polar coordinates programmed incorrectly |
14290 | Channel %1 block %2 poly nominal degree greater than 5 programmed for poly nominal interpolation |
14300 | Channel %1 block %2 overlaid handwheel motion activated incorrectly |
14310 | Handwheel %1 configuration incorrect or inactive |
14400 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at transformation switchover |
14401 | Channel %1 block %2 transformation not available |
14402 | Channel %1 block %2 spline active at transformation change |
14403 | Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized |
14404 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal parametrization of transformation |
14410 | Channel %1 block %2 spline active at geometry axis changeover |
14411 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at geometry axis changeover |
14412 | Channel %1 block %2 transformation active at geometry axis changeover |
14413 | Channel %1 block %2 fine tool correction: changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed |
14414 | Channel %1 block %2 GEOAX function: incorrect call |
14415 | Channel %1 block %2 tangent control: changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed |
14420 | Channel %1 block %2 index axis %3 frame not allowed |
14500 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal DEF or PROC instruction in the part program |
14510 | Channel %1 block %2 PROC instruction missing on subroutine call |
14520 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal PROC instruction in data definition section |
14530 | Channel %1 block %2 EXTERN and PROC instruction do not correspond |
14600 | Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer %3 cannot be established |
14601 | Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer could not be deleted |
14602 | Channel %1 block %2 timeout during EXTCALL |
14610 | Channel %1 block %2 compensation block not possible |
14650 | Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid ASUP input |
14660 | Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid priority |
14700 | Channel %1 block %2 timeout during command to interpreter |
14701 | Channel %1 block %2 number of available NC blocks reduced by %3 |
14710 | Channel %1 block %2 error in initialization sequence in function %3 |
14720 | Channel %1 block %2 axes for centerless transformation not available |
14730 | Channel %1 block %2 conflict at activation of centerless transformation |
14740 | Channel %1 block %2 no tool data available for centerless grinding |
14745 | Channel %1 block %2 centerless grinding not active |
14750 | Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed |
14751 | Channel %1 block %2 resources for motion synchronous actions not sufficient (code: %3) |
14752 | Channel %1 block %2 DELDTG | STOPREOF conflict |
14753 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions with illegal interpolation type |
14754 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions and wrong feed type |
14755 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions without traverse motion |
14756 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong value |
14757 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong type |
14758 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed value not available |
14759 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong axis type |
14760 | Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function of a group programmed repeatedly |
14761 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: DELDTG function not allowed with active tool radius compensation |
14762 | Channel %1 block %2 too many PLC variables programmed |
14763 | Channel %1 block %2 too many link variables programmed |
14764 | NCU link cannot transfer all link variables immediately |
14765 | NCU link cannot transfer all link variables |
14766 | NCU link is heavily loaded, impending memory shortage |
14767 | Machine data matching via NCU link not complete |
14770 | Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function programmed incorrectly |
14780 | Channel %1 block %2 unreleased option used |
14790 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed by PLC |
14800 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed path speed less or equal to zero |
14810 | Channel %1 block %2 negative axis speed programmed for positioning axis %3 |
14811 | Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for acceleration of axis/spindle %3 |
14812 | Channel %1 block %2 SOFTA not available for axis %3 |
14815 | Channel %1 block %2 negative thread lead change programmed |
14820 | Channel %1 block %2 negative value for maximum spindle speed programmed with constant cutting speed |
14821 | Channel %1 block %2 error in selection or deselection of GWPS |
14822 | Channel %1 block %2 incorrect programming of GWPS |
14823 | Channel %1 block %2 error on selection or deselection of tool monitoring |
14824 | Channel %1 block %2 conflict with GWPS |
14840 | Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for constant cutting speed |
14900 | Channel %1 block %2 center point and end point programmed simultaneously |
14910 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle of aperture for programmed circle |
14920 | Channel %1 block %2 intermediate point of circle incorrect |
15000 | Channel %1 block %2 channel-sync instruction using illegal mark |
15010 | Channel %1 block %2 program coordination instruction with invalid channel number |
15020 | Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction cannot be executed. Channel %3 is not active |
15021 | Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction with invalid channel number |
15025 | CHANDATA(%2): channel is not active. Channel data will be ignored. |
15030 | Channel %1 block %2 different measurement system settings |
15100 | Channel %1 block %2 REORG abort caused by log file overflow |
15110 | Channel %1 block %2 REORG not possible |
15150 | Channel %1 block %2 reload from external aborted |
15160 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong preprocessing configuration |
15165 | Channel %1 block %2 error when translating or interpreting PLC Asup %3 |
15166 | Channel %1 user system asup _N_ASUP_SPF not available |
15170 | Channel %1 block %2 program %3 could not be compiled |
15171 | Channel %1 block %2 compiled program %3 older than the relevant subroutine |
15175 | Channel %1 block %2 program %3. Interfaces could not be built |
15180 | Channel %1 block %2 program %3 cannot be executed as INI file |
15185 | Channel %1 %2 errors in INI file |
15190 | Channel %1 block %2 not enough free memory for subroutine call |
15300 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid number-of-passed-blocks during block search |
15310 | Channel %1 block %2 file requested during block search is not available |
15320 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid block search command |
15330 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid block number as search target |
15340 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid label as search target |
15350 | Channel %1 block %2 search target not found |
15360 | Channel %1 illegal target of block search (syntax error) |
15370 | Channel %1 target of block search not found |
15380 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal incremental programming in axis %3 |
15390 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 not executed during block search |
15395 | Channel %1 master-slave not executable during block search |
15400 | Channel %1 block %2 selected initial init file does not exist |
15410 | Channel %1 block %2 initialization file contains invalid M function |
15420 | Channel %1 block %2 instruction in current mode not allowed |
15450 | Channel %1 block %2 compiled program cannot be stored |
15460 | Channel %1 block %2 syntax error with modal function |
15500 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal angle of shear |
15700 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal cycle alarm number %3 |
15800 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong starting conditions for CONTPRON/CONTDCON |
15810 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong array dimension for CONTPRON/CONTDCON |
15900 | Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed |
15910 | Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed |
15950 | Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed |
15960 | Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed |
16000 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid value for lifting direction |
16005 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid value for lifting distance |
16010 | Channel %1 block %2 machining stop after lift fast |
16015 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong axis identifier %3 |
16016 | Channel %1 block %2 no retraction position programmed for axis %3 |
16020 | Channel %1 repositioning in block %2 is not possible |
16100 | Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 not available in the channel |
16105 | Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 cannot be assigned |
16110 | Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 for dwell time not in control mode |
16120 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for tool fine compensation |
16130 | Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed with FTOCON |
16140 | Channel %1 block %2 FTOCON not allowed |
16150 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid spindle number with PUTFTOCF |
16200 | Channel %1 block %2 spline and polynominal interpolation not available |
16300 | Channel %1 block %2 denominator polynominal with zero places within parameter range not allowed |
16400 | Channel %1 block %2 positioning axis %3 cannot participate in spline |
16410 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is not a geometry axis |
16420 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed repeatedly |
16421 | Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block |
16422 | Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block |
16423 | Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block |
16424 | Channel %1 block %2 coordinate %3 programmed repeatedly in the block |
16430 | Channel %1 block %2 geometry axis %3 cannot traverse as positioning axis in rotated coordinate system |
16440 | Channel %1 block %2 rotation programmed for non-existent geometry axis |
16500 | Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or rounding negative |
16510 | Channel %1 block %2 no facing axis available |
16700 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 invalid feed type |
16710 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 master spindle not programmed |
16715 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 spindle not in standstill |
16720 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 thread lead is zero |
16730 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 wrong parameter |
16740 | Channel %1 block %2 no geometry axis programmed |
16750 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 SPCON not programmed |
16751 | Channel %1 block %2 spindle/axis %3 SPCOF not executable |
16755 | Channel %1 block %2 no stop required |
16760 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 S value missing |
16761 | Channel %1 block %2 axis/spindle %3 not programmable in the channel |
16762 | Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 thread function is active |
16763 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed speed is illegal (zero or negative) |
16770 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 no measuring system available |
16771 | Channel %1 following axis %2 overlaid movement not enabled |
16776 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3 does not exist for axis %4 |
16777 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling: following axis %3 for lead axis %4 not available |
16778 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling: Ring coupling at following axis %3 and leading axis %4 impermissible |
16779 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling: too many couplings for axis %3, see active leading axis %4 |
16780 | Channel %1 block %2 following spindle/axis missing |
16781 | Channel %1 block %2 master spindle/axis missing |
16782 | Channel %1 block %2 following spindle/axis %3 not available |
16783 | Channel %1 block %2 master spindle/axis %3 not available |
16785 | Channel %1 block %2 identical spindles/axes %3 |
16787 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling parameter not changeable |
16788 | Channel %1 block %2 cyclic coupling |
16789 | Channel %1 block %2 multiple link |
16790 | Channel %1 block %2 Parameter is zero or missing |
16791 | Channel %1 block %2 parameter is not relevant |
16792 | Channel %1 block %2 too many couplings for axis/spindle %3 |
16793 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling of axis %3 prohibits transformation change |
16794 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling of axis/spindle %3 prohibits reference point approach |
16795 | Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be interpreted |
16796 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling not defined |
16797 | Channel %1 block %2 coupling is active |
16798 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is following axis and prohibits axis container rotation |
16799 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is master axis and prohibits axis container rotation |
16800 | Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction DC/CDC for axis %3 not allowed |
16810 | Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction ACP for axis %3 not allowed |
16820 | Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction ACN for axis %3 not allowed |
16830 | Channel %1 block %2 incorrect position programmed for axis/spindle %3 |
16903 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state |
16904 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state |
16905 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed |
16906 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 is aborted due to an alarm |
16907 | Channel %1 action %2 only possible in stop state |
16908 | Channel %1 action %2 only possible in reset state or at the block end |
16909 | Channel %1 action %2 not allowed in current mode |
16911 | Channel %1 mode change is not allowed |
16912 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 only possible in reset state |
16913 | Mode group %1 channel %2 mode change: action %3 not allowed |
16914 | Mode group %1 channel %2 mode change: action %3 not allowed |
16915 | Channel %1 action %2 not allowed in the current block |
16916 | Channel %1 repositioning: action %2 not allowed in the current state |
16918 | Channel %1 for action %2 all channels must be in reset state |
16919 | Channel %1 action %2 is not allowed due to a pending alarm |
16920 | Channel %1 action %2 is already active |
16921 | Channel %1 mode group %2 machine data: channel/mode group assignment not allowed or assigned twice |
16922 | Channel %1 subprograms: action %2 maximum nesting depth exceeded |
16923 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state |
16924 | Channel %1 caution: program test modifies tool management data |
16925 | Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state, action %3 active |
16926 | Channel %1 channel coordination: action %2 not allowed in block %3, marker %4 is already set |
16927 | Channel %1 action %2 at active interrupt treatment not allowed |
16928 | Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not possible |
16930 | Channel %1: preceding block and current block %2 must be separated through an executable block |
16931 | Channel %1 subprograms: action %2 maximum nesting depth exceeded |
16932 | Channel %1 conflict when activating user data type %2 |
16933 | Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not allowed in the current state |
16934 | Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not possible due to stop |
16935 | Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to search run |
16936 | Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to active dry run |
16937 | Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to program test |
16938 | Channel %1 action %2 aborted due to active gear change |
16939 | Channel %1 action %2 rejected due to active gear change |
16940 | Channel %1 action %2 wait for gear change |
16941 | Channel %1 action %2 rejected because no program event has been executed yet |
16942 | Channel %1 start program command action %2 not possible |
16943 | Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to ASUP |
16944 | Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to active search blocks |
16945 | Channel %1 action %2 delayed up to the block end |
16946 | Channel %1 start via START is not allowed |
16947 | Channel %1 start via PLC is not allowed |
16948 | Channel %1 dependent channel %2 still active |
16949 | Correspondence between marker of channel %1 and channel %2 is invalid. |
16950 | Channel %1 search run with hold block |
16951 | Channel %1 search run in a program section that cannot be searched |
17000 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded |
17001 | Channel %1 block %2 no memory left for tool/magazine data |
17010 | Channel %1 block %2 no memory left |
17020 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal array index 1 |
17030 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal array index 2 |
17040 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal axis index |
17050 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal value |
17055 | Channel %1 block %2 GUD variable not existing |
17060 | Channel %1 block %2 requested data area too large |
17070 | Channel %1 block %2 data is write-protected |
17080 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 value below lower limit |
17090 | Channel %1 block %2 %3 value exceeds upper limit |
17095 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid value |
17100 | Channel %1 block %2 digital input/comparator no. %3 not activated |
17110 | Channel %1 block %2 digital output no. %3 not activated |
17120 | Channel %1 block %2 analog input no. %3 not activated |
17130 | Channel %1 block %2 analog output no. %3 not activated |
17140 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK output %3 is assigned to a function via machine data |
17150 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum of %3 NCK outputs programmable in the block |
17160 | Channel %1 block %2 no tool selected |
17170 | Channel %1 block %2 number of symbols too large |
17180 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number |
17181 | Channel %1 block %2 T no.= %3, D no.= %4 not existing |
17182 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal sum correction number |
17188 | Channel %1 D number %2 defined in tool T no. %3 and %4 |
17189 | Channel %1 D number %2 of tools defined on magazine/location %3 and %4 |
17190 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal T number |
17191 | Channel %1 block %2 T= %3 not existing, program %4 |
17192 | TO unit %1 invalid tool designation of ‘%2’, duplo no. %3. No more replacement tools possible in ‘%4’. |
17193 | Channel %1 block %2 the active tool is no longer on toolholder no./spindle no. %3, program %4 |
17194 | Channel %1 block %2 no suitable tool found |
17200 | Channel %1 block %2 deleting tool data not possible |
17202 | Channel %1 block %2 deleting magazine data not possible |
17210 | Channel %1 block %2 access to variable not possible |
17212 | Channel %1 tool management: Load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2 onto spindle/ toolholder %4 |
17214 | Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool %3 from spindle/toolholder %2 |
17216 | Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool from spindle/toolholder %4 and load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2 |
17220 | Channel %1 block %2 tool not existing |
17230 | Channel %1 block %2 Duplo no. already assigned |
17240 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool definition |
17250 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine definition |
17260 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine location definition |
17262 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool adapter operation |
17270 | Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference: illegal variable |
17500 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is not an indexing axis |
17501 | Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tool system is active |
17502 | Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tooth system stop is delayed |
17503 | Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tooth system and axis not referenced |
17510 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for indexing axis %3 |
17600 | Channel %1 block %2 preset on transformed axis %3 not possible |
17605 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 transformation active: inhibits rotation of axis container |
17610 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 involved in the transformation, action cannot be carried out |
17620 | Channel %1 block %2 approaching fixed point for transformed axis %3 not possible |
17630 | Channel %1 block %2 referencing for transformed axis %3 not possible |
17640 | Channel %1 block %2 spindle operation for transformed axis %3 not possible |
17650 | Channel %1 block %2 machine axis %3 not programmable |
17800 | Channel %1 block %2 illegally coded position programmed |
17900 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is no machine axis |
18000 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK-specific protection zone %3 wrong. Error code %4 |
18001 | Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 incorrect. Error code %4 |
18002 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 cannot be activated. Error code %4 |
18003 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 cannot be activated.Error code %4 |
18004 | Channel %1 block %2 orientation of workpiece-related protection zone %3 does not correspond to the orientation of tool-related protection zone %4 |
18005 | Channel %1 block %2 serious error in definition of NCK-specific protection zone %3 |
18006 | Channel %1 block %2 serious error in definition of channel-specific protection zone %3 |
18100 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXS[] |
18101 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXST[] |
18102 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXSW[] |
18200 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table: block search stop not allowed with definition CTABDEF |
18201 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table: table %3 does not exist |
18202 | Channel %1 block %2 curve table: instruction CTABEND without CTABDEF not allowed |
18300 | Channel %1 block %2 frame: fine shift not possible |
18310 | Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal rotation |
18311 | Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal instruction |
18312 | Channel %1 block %2 frame: fine shift not configured |
18313 | Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal switchover of geometry axes |
18314 | Channel %1 block %2 frame: type conflict |
18400 | Channel %1 block %2 language change not possible: |
20000 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference cam not reached |
20001 | Channel %1 axis %2 no cam signal present |
20002 | Channel %1 axis %2 zero mark not found |
20003 | Channel %1 axis %2 measuring system error |
20004 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference mark missing |
20005 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach aborted |
20006 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference point creep velocity not reached |
20007 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach requires 2 measuring systems |
20008 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach requires second referenced measuring system |
20050 | Channel %1 axis %2 handwheel mode active |
20051 | Channel %1 axis %2 handwheel mode not possible |
20052 | Channel %1 axis %2 already active |
20053 | Channel %1 axis %2 DRF, FTOCON, external zero point offset not possible |
20054 | Channel %1 axis %2 wrong index for indexing axis in JOG mode |
20055 | Channel %1 master spindle not present in JOG mode |
20056 | Channel %1 axis %2 no revolutional feedrate possible. Axis/spindle %3 stationary |
20057 | Channel %1 block %2 revolutional feedrate for axis/spindle %3 is |
20058 | Channel %1 axis %2 revolutional feedrate: illegal feed source |
20060 | Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be traversed as geometry axis |
20061 | Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be traversed as orientation axis |
20062 | Channel %1 axis %2 already active |
20063 | Channel %1 axis %2 orientation axes cannot be traversed without transformation |
20065 | Channel %1 master spindle not defined for geometry axes in JOG mode |
20070 | Channel %1 axis %2 programmed end position is behind software limit switch %3 |
20071 | Channel %1 axis %2 programmed end position is behind working area limit %3 |
20072 | Channel %1 axis %2 is not an indexing axis |
20073 | Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be repositioned |
20074 | Channel %1 axis %2 wrong index position |
20075 | Channel %1 axis %2 can currently not oscillate |
20076 | Channel %1 axis %2 oscillating – mode change not possible |
20077 | Channel %1 axis %2 programmed position is behind software limit switch %3 |
20078 | Channel %1 axis %2 programmed position is behind working area limit %3 |
20079 | Channel %1 axis %2 oscillation path length %3 |
20080 | Channel %1 axis %2 no handwheel assigned for overlaid motion |
20085 | Channel %1 contour handwheel: traverse direction or overtravel of beginning of block not allowed |
20090 | Axis %1 travel to fixed stop not possible. Check programming and axis data. |
20091 | Axis %1 has not reached fixed stop |
20092 | Axis %1 travel to fixed stop still active |
20093 | Axis %1 standstill monitoring at fixed-stop end point has been triggered |
20094 | Axis %1 function has been aborted |
20095 | Axis %1 illegal torque, current torque %2 |
20096 | Axis %1 brake test aborted, additional information %2 |
20100 | Channel %1: invalid configuration for digitizing function |
20101 | Communication with the digitizer not possible |
20102 | Channel %1: No or invalid trafo at digitizing active |
20103 | Channel %1: digitizing module does not support 3+2 axis digitizing |
20105 | Channel %1: axes stopped by digitizer. Error code: %2 |
20106 | Emergency stop set by the digitizer |
20108 | Invalid data package received from the digitizer. Error codes: %1, %2 |
20109 | Error in communication with the digitizer: status code of com-circuit: %1 |
20120 | Axis %1: too many compensation relations |
20121 | Axis %1: Configuration error in compensation table %2 |
20122 | Compensation table %1: invalid axis assignment |
20123 | Axis %1: different output assignment of multiplied tables |
20124 | Axis %1: sum of compensation values too large |
20125 | Axis %1: change of compensation value is too rapid |
20130 | Channel %1 contour tunnel monitoring |
20140 | Channel %1 motion synchronous action: traversing of command axis %2 see NC alarm %3 |
20141 | Channel %1 motion synchronous action: illegal axis type |
20142 | Channel %1 command axis %2: rotation of axis container already enabled |
20143 | Channel %1 axis %2 command axis cannot be started as it is controlled by the PLC |
20144 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: system variable access not possible |
20145 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: arithmetic error |
20146 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: nesting depth exceeded |
20147 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: command not executable |
20148 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: internal error %3 |
20149 | Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: illegal index |
20150 | Channel %1 tool management: PLC terminates interrupted command |
20160 | Channel %1 tool management: PLC can terminate only incorrectly aborted commands |
20170 | Channel %1 machine data $AC_FIFO invalid |
20200 | Channel %1 invalid spindle number %2 with tool fine compensation |
20201 | Channel %1 spindle %2 no tool assigned |
20203 | Channel %1 no active tool |
20204 | Channel %1 PUTFTOC command not allowed with FTOCOF |
20210 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 wrong values for centerless grinding |
20211 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 support point beyond range limits |
21600 | Monitoring for ESR active |
21610 | Channel %1 axis %2 encoder %3 frequency limit exceeded |
21611 | Channel %1 NC-controlled Extended Stop/Retract triggered |
21612 | Channel %1 axis %2 VDI signal ‘Servo enable’ reset during motion |
21613 | Axis %1 measuring system changing |
21614 | Channel %1 axis %2 hardware limit switch %3 |
21615 | Channel %1 axis %2 taken from traverse mode to follow-up mode |
21616 | Channel %1 block %2 overlaid motion active at transformation switchover |
21617 | Channel %1 block %2 transformation does not allow to traverse the pole |
21618 | Channel %1 as from block %2 transformation active: overlaid motion too great |
21619 | Channel %1 block %2 transformation active: motion not possible |
21650 | Channel %1 axis %2 overlaid motion not allowed |
21660 | Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 conflict between SYNACT: $AA_OFF and CORROF |
21665 | Channel %1 $AA_TOFF cleared |
21670 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with $AA_TOFF active |
21700 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 touch probe already deflected, edge polarity not possible |
21701 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 measurement not possible |
21702 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 measurement aborted |
21703 | Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 touch probe not deflected, illegal edge polarity |
21740 | Output value at analog output no. %1 has been limited |
21750 | Error during output of cam signals via timer |
21760 | Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed |
21800 | Channel %1 workpiece setpoint %2 reached |
22000 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 change of gear stage not possible |
22010 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 actual gear stage differs from requested gear stage |
22011 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 change to programmed gear stage not possible |
22012 | Channel %1 block %2 leading spindle %3 is in simulation. |
22013 | Channel %1 block %2 dependent spindle %3 is in simulation. |
22014 | Channel %1 block %2. The dynamics of leading spindle %3 and dependent spindle %4 is too variably |
22020 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 gear step change position not reached |
22040 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 is not referenced with zero marker |
22045 | Block %2 spindle/axis %3 not available in channel %1 because active in channel %4 |
22050 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 no transition from speed control mode to position control mode |
22051 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 reference mark not found |
22052 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 no standstill on block change |
22053 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 reference mode not supported |
22054 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 improper punching signal |
22055 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 configured positioning speed is too high |
22060 | Channel %1 position control expected for axis/spindle %2 |
22062 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach: zero marker search velocity (MD) is not reached |
22064 | Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach: zero marker search velocity (MD) is too high |
22065 | Channel %1 tool management: Tool motion is not possible, as tool %2 with Duplo no. %3 is not in magazine %4 |
22066 | Channel %1 tool management: Tool change is not possible, as tool %2 with Duplo no. %3 is not in magazine %4 |
22067 | Channel %1 tool management: tool change not possible since there is no tool available in tool group %2 |
22068 | Channel %1 block %2 tool management: no tool available in tool group %3 |
22069 | Channel %1 block %2 tool management: No tool available in tool group %3, program %4 |
22070 | TO unit %1 Please change tool T= %2 into magazine. Repeat data backup |
22071 | TO unit %1 tool %2 duplo no. %3 is active, but not in the magazine area under consideration |
22100 | Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 chuck speed exceeded |
22200 | Channel %1 spindle %2 axis stopped during tapping |
22250 | Channel %1 spindle %2 axis stopped during thread cutting |
22260 | Channel %1 spindle %2 thread might be damaged |
22270 | Channel %1 block %2 maximum velocity of thread axis at position %3 reached |
22275 | Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity of thread axis at position %3 reached |
22280 | Channel %1 in block %2: Prog. acceleration path too short %3, %4 required |
22320 | Channel %1 block %2 PUTFTOCF command could not be transferred |
22321 | Channel %1 axis %2 PRESET not allowed during traverse motion |
22322 | Channel %1 axis %2 PRESET: illegal value |
25000 | Axis %1 hardware fault of active encoder |
25001 | Axis %1 hardware fault of passive encoder |
25010 | Axis %1 pollution of measuring system |
25011 | Axis %1 pollution of passive encoder |
25020 | Axis %1 zero mark monitoring of active encoder |
25021 | Axis %1 zero mark monitoring of passive encoder |
25022 | Axis %1 encoder %2 warning %3 |
25030 | Axis %1 actual velocity alarm limit |
25031 | Axis %1 actual velocity warning limit |
25040 | Axis %1 standstill monitoring |
25042 | Axis %1 standstill monitoring during torque/force limitation |
25050 | Axis %1 contour monitoring |
25060 | Axis %1 speed setpoint limitation |
25070 | Axis %1 drift value too large |
25080 | Axis %1 positioning monitoring |
25100 | Axis %1 measuring system switchover not possible |
25105 | Axis %1 measuring systems differ considerably |
25110 | Axis %1 selected encoder not available |
25200 | Axis %1 requested set of parameters invalid |
25201 | Axis %1 drive fault |
25202 | Axis %1 waiting for drive |
26000 | Axis %1 clamping monitoring |
26001 | Axis %1 parameterization error: friction compensation |
26002 | Axis %1 encoder %2 parameterization error: number of encoder marks |
26003 | Axis %1 parameterization error: lead screw pitch |
26004 | Axis %1 encoder %2 parameterization error: grid point distance with linear encoders |
26005 | Axis %1 parameterization error: output rating |
26006 | Axis %1 encoder %2 encoder type/output type %3 not possible |
26007 | Axis %1 QEC: invalid coarse step size |
26008 | Axis %1 QEC: invalid fine step size |
26009 | Axis %1 QEC: memory overflow |
26010 | Axis %1 QEC: invalid acceleration characteristic |
26011 | Axis %1 QEC: invalid measuring periods |
26012 | Axis %1 QEC: feed forward control not active |
26014 | Axis %1 machine data %2 invalid value |
26015 | Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] invalid value |
26016 | Axis %1 machine data %2 invalid value |
26017 | Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] invalid value |
26018 | Axis %1 setpoint output drive %2 used more than once |
26019 | Axis %1 encoder %2 measurement not possible with this controller module |
26020 | Axis %1 encoder %2 hardware fault %3 during encoder initialization |
26022 | Axis %1 encoder %2 measurement with simulated encoder not possible |
26024 | Axis %1 machine data %2 value changed |
26025 | Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] value changed |
26030 | Axis %1 encoder %2 absolute position lost |
26031 | Axis %1 configuration error master-slave |
26032 | Axis %1 master-slave not configured |
26050 | Axis %1 parameter set change from %2 to %3 not possible |
26051 | Channel %1 in block %2 unanticipated stop crossed in continuous path mode |
26052 | Channel %1 in block %2: path velocity too high for auxiliary function output |
26070 | Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be controlled by the PLC, max. number exceeded |
26072 | Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be controlled by the PLC |
26074 | Channel %1 switching off PLC control of axis %2 not allowed in the current state |
26080 | Channel %1 retraction position of axis %2 not programmed or invalid |
26081 | Channel %1 axis trigger of axis %2 was activated, but axis is not PLC- controlled |
26100 | Axis %1 drive %2 sign of life missing |
26101 | Axis %1 drive %2 communication failure |
26102 | Axis %1 drive %2 sign of life missing |
26105 | Drive of axis %1 not found |
26106 | Encoder %2 of axis %1 not found |
26110 | Independent drive stop/retract triggered |
27000 | Axis %1 is not safely referenced |
27001 | Axis %1 error in a monitoring channel, code %2, values: NCK %3, drive %4 |
27002 | Axis %1 test stop is running |
27003 | Checksum error found: %1 %2 |
27004 | Axis %1, difference safe input %2, NCK %3, drive %4 |
27005 | Axis %1 error in data cross check: static actual value difference |
27006 | Axis %1 Test ext. pulse deletion running |
27007 | Axis %1 acceptance test mode is active |
27008 | Axis %1 SW limit switch deactivated |
27010 | Axis %1 tolerance for safe standstill exceeded |
27011 | Axis %1 safe velocity exceeded |
27012 | Axis %1 safe end position exceeded |
27013 | Axis %1 safe braking ramp exceeded |
27020 | Axis %1 stop E triggered |
27021 | Axis %1 stop D triggered |
27022 | Axis %1 stop C triggered |
27023 | Axis %1 stop B triggered |
27024 | Axis %1 stop A triggered |
27030 | Axis %1 function not supported on this 611D module |
27031 | Axis %1 limit value for safe velocity %2 at gear ratio %3 too large (max. %4) |
27032 | Axis %1 checksum error of safe monitoring. Confirmation and re-test required! |
27033 | Axis %1 parameterization of MD %2[%3] invalid |
27034 | Parameterization of MD %1 invalid |
27090 | Error in data cross check NCK-PLC, %1[%2], NCK: %3; %4 ALSI |
27091 | Error in data cross check NCK PLC, stop of %1 |
27092 | Communication broken off during NCK PLC data cross check, error detected by %1 |
27093 | Checksum error NCK-SPL, %1, %2, %3 |
27094 | Write access to system variable %1 only allowed from NCK-SPL |
27095 | %1 SPL protection not activated |
27096 | SPL start not allowed |
27100 | At least one axis is not safely referenced |
27101 | Axis %1 difference in function safe operational stop, NCK: %2 drive: %3 |
27102 | Axis %1 difference in function safe velocity %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 |
27103 | Axis %1 difference in function safe limit position %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 |
27104 | Axis %1 difference in function safe cam plus %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 |
27105 | Axis %1 difference in function safe cam minus %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 |
27106 | Axis %1 difference in function safe velocity nx, NCK: %2 drive: %3 |
27107 | Axis %1 difference in function cam modulo monitoring, NCK: %2 drive: %3 |
27124 | Stop A triggered at least in 1 axis |
27200 | PROFIsafe: cycle time %1 [ms] too long |
27201 | PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: bus segment %3 error |
27202 | PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: address %3 error |
27203 | PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: SPL assignment error |
27204 | PROFIsafe: double assignment MD %1[%2] – MD %3[%4] |
27220 | PROFIsafe: Number of NCK F modules (%1) <> number of DP modules (%2) |
27221 | PROFIsafe: NCK F module MD %1[%2] unknown |
27222 | PROFI safe: S7 F module PROFI safe address %1 unknown |
27223 | PROFIsafe: NCK F module MD %1[%2] is not a %3 module |
27224 | PROFIsafe: F module MD %1[%2] – MD %3[%4]: double assignment of PROFIsafe address |
27225 | PROFIsafe: slave %1, configuration error %2 |
27240 | PROFIsafe: DP M not running up, DP info: %1 |
27241 | PROFIsafe: DP M version different, NCK: %1, PLC: %2 |
27242 | PROFIsafe: F module %1, %2 faulty |
27250 | PROFIsafe: configuration in DP M changed; error code %1 – %2 |
27251 | PROFIsafe: F module %1, %2 reports error %3 |
27252 | PROFIsafe: Slave %1, sign-of-life error |
27253 | PROFIsafe: communication fault F master component %1, error %2 |
27254 | PROFIsafe: F module %1, error on channel %2; %3 |
27255 | PROFIsafe: F module %1, general error |
27256 | PROFIsafe: Current cycle time %1 [ms] > parameterized cycle time |
27299 | PROFIsafe: Diagnosis %1 %2 %3 %4 |
28000 | NCU link connection to all other NCUs of the link network has been aborted |
28001 | NCU link connection to the NCU %1 of the link network has been aborted |
28002 | Error on activation of machine data, NCU network-wide machine data were modified by NCU %1 |
28004 | NCU link: NCU %1 of the link network is not on the bus |
28005 | NCU link: NCU %1 of the link network not running synchronously |
28007 | NCU link: conflict in configuration data of NCU %1 |
28008 | NCU link: conflict in timer setting of NCU %1 |
28009 | NCU link: conflict in bus parameters of NCU %1 |
28010 | NCU link: the NCU %1 has not received a message |
28011 | IPO time insufficient for NCU link. Link cycle time: %1 |
28012 | NCU link: synchronization cycle signal failure %1 times |
28020 | NCU link: too many link axes configured %1 |
28030 | Serious alarm on NCU %1, axes in follow-up mode |
28031 | Serious alarm on NCU %1 not yet acknowledged, axes still in follow-up mode |
28032 | Emergency stop activated on NCU %1, axes in follow-up mode |
28033 | Emergency stop on NCU % 1, axes still in follow-up mode |
29033 | Channel %1 axis change of axis %2 not possible, PLC axis movement not yet completed |
60000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
61000 | Channel %1 block %2 no tool compensation active |
61001 | Channel %1 block %2 thread lead incorrect |
61002 | Channel %1 block %2 machining type wrongly defined |
61003 | Channel %1 block %2 no feed programmed in the cycle |
61004 | Channel %1 block %2 configuration geometry axis incorrect |
61005 | Channel %1 block %2 3rd geometry axis not present |
61006 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius too large |
61007 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius too small |
61009 | Channel %1 block %2 active tool number = 0 |
61010 | Channel %1 block %2 finishing allowance too large |
61011 | Channel %1 block %2 scaling not allowed |
61012 | Channel %1 block %2 different scaling on the plane |
61013 | Channel %1 block %2 basic settings were changed, program cannot be executed |
61101 | Channel %1 block %2 reference plane incorrectly defined |
61102 | Channel %1 block %2 no spindle direction programmed |
61103 | Channel %1 block %2 number of drillings is zero |
61104 | Channel %1 block %2 contour violation of slots/long holes |
61105 | Channel %1 block %2 cutter radius too large |
61106 | Channel %1 block %2 number or distance of circular elements |
61107 | Channel %1 block %2 first drilling depth incorrectly defined |
61108 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal values for parameters _RAD1 and _DP1 |
61109 | Channel %1 block %2 parameter _CDIR incorrectly defined |
61110 | Channel %1 block %2 finishing allowance at the base > depth infeed |
61111 | Channel %1 block %2 infeed width > tool diameter |
61112 | Channel %1 block %2 tool radius negative |
61113 | Channel %1 block %2 parameter _CRAD for corner radius too large |
61114 | Channel %1 block %2 machining direction G41/G42 incorrectly defined |
61115 | Channel %1 block %2 approach or retract mode (straight line/circle/plane/space) incorrectly defined |
61116 | Channel %1 block %2 approach or retraction path = 0 |
61117 | Channel %1 block %2 active tool radius |
61118 | Channel %1 block %2 length or width = 0 |
61119 | Channel %1 block %2 nominal or core diameter incorrectly programmed |
61120 | Channel %1 block %2 internal/external thread type not defined |
61121 | Channel %1 block %2 number of teeth per cutting edge missing |
61122 | Channel %1 block %2 safety clearance on the plane incorrectly defined |
61124 | Channel %1 block %2 infeed width is not programmed |
61125 | Channel %1 block %2 technology selection in parameter _TECHNO incorrectly defined |
61126 | Channel %1 block %2 thread length too short |
61127 | Channel %1 block %2 transmission ratio of tapping axis incorrectly defined (machine data) |
61128 | Channel %1 block %2 dipping angle = 0 for dipping with oscillation or helix |
61180 | Channel %1 block %2 no name assigned to swivel data block, although MD $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 1 |
61181 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK software version unsufficient (missing TOOLCARRIER functionality) |
61182 | Channel %1 block %2 name of swivel data block unknown |
61183 | Channel %1 block %2 retraction mode GUD7 _TC_FR beyond value range 0… 2 |
61184 | Channel %1 block %2 no solution possible with current input angle values |
61185 | Channel %1 block %2 no or incorrect (min > max) rotary axis angle ranges assigned |
61186 | Channel %1 block %2 rotary axis vectors invalid –> Check installation and start-up of the swivel cycle CYCLE800 |
61188 | Channel %1 block %2 no axis name for the 1st axis assigned -> Check installation and start-up of the swivel cycle CYCLE800 |
61200 | Channel %1 block %2 too many elements in the machining block |
61201 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong sequence in the machining block |
61202 | Channel %1 block %2 no technology cycle |
61203 | Channel %1 block %2 no positioning cycle |
61204 | Channel %1 block %2 unknown technology cycle |
61205 | Channel %1 block %2 unknown positioning cycle |
61210 | Channel %1 block %2 block search element not found |
61211 | Channel %1 block %2 absolute reference missing |
61212 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong tool type |
61213 | Channel %1 block %2 circle radius too small |
61214 | Channel %1 block %2 no lead programmed |
61215 | Channel %1 block %2 raw dimension incorrectly programmed |
61216 | Channel %1 block %2 feed/tooth only possible with milling tools |
61217 | Channel %1 block %2 cutting speed for tool radius 0 programmed |
61218 | Channel %1 block %2 feed/tooth programmed, but number of teeth is zero |
61222 | Channel %1 block %2 plane infeed greater than the tool diameter |
61223 | Channel %1 block %2 approach path too short |
61224 | Channel %1 block %2 retract path too short |
61225 | Channel %1 block %2 swivel data block unknown |
61226 | Channel %1 block %2 swivel head cannot be exchanged |
61230 | Channel %1 block %2 tool probe diameter too small |
61231 | Channel %1 block %2 ShopMill program %3 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopMill |
61232 | Channel %1 block %2 loading of magazine tool not possible |
61233 | Channel %1 block %2: Thread inclination incorrectly defined |
61234 | Channel %1 block %2 ShopMill subroutine %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopMill |
61235 | Channel %1 block %2: ShopTurn program %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopTurn. |
61236 | Channel %1 block %2: ShopTurn subroutine %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopTurn. |
61237 | Channel %1 block %2: Retraction direction unknown. Manually retract tool! |
61238 | Channel %1 block %2: Machining direction unknown. |
61239 | Channel %1 block %2: Tool change point lies in the retraction area! |
61240 | Channel %1 block %2: Wrong feed type |
61241 | Channel %1 block %2: No retraction plane defined for this machining direction. |
61242 | Channel %1 block %2: Wrong machining direction |
61243 | Channel %1 block %2: Correct tool change point, tool tip is in retraction area! |
61244 | Channel %1 block %2: Thread lead change results in an undefined thread |
61246 | Channel %1 block %2: Safety clearance too small |
61247 | Channel %1 block %2: Blank radius too small |
61248 | Channel %1 block %2: Infeed too small |
61249 | Channel %1 block %2: Number of edges too small |
61250 | Channel %1 block %2: Key width/Edge length too small |
61251 | Channel %1 block %2: Key width/Edge length too large |
61252 | Channel %1 block %2: Chamfer/Radius too large |
61253 | Channel %1 block %2: No finishing allowance programmed |
61254 | Channel %1 block %2: Error when traversing to fixed stop |
61255 | Channel %1 block %2: Cut-off error: Tool breakage? |
61301 | Channel %1 block %2 measuring probe does not switch |
61302 | Channel %1 block %2 measuring probe collision |
61303 | Channel %1 block %2 safe area exceeded |
61308 | Channel %1 block %2 check measuring distance 2a |
61309 | Channel %1 block %2 check measuring probe type |
61310 | Channel %1 block %2 scale factor is active |
61311 | Channel %1 block %2 no D number is active |
61316 | Channel %1 block %2 center point and radius cannot be determined. |
61332 | Channel %1 block %2 change tool tip position |
61338 | Channel %1 block %2 positioning velocity is zero |
61601 | Channel %1 block %2 finished-part diameter too small |
61602 | Channel %1 block %2 tool width incorrectly defined |
61603 | Channel %1 block %2 groove form incorrectly defined |
61604 | Channel %1 block %2 active tool violates programmed contour |
61605 | Channel %1 block %2 contour incorrectly programmed |
61606 | Channel %1 block %2 contour processing error |
61607 | Channel %1 block %2 starting point incorrectly programmed |
61608 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong cutting edge position programmed |
61609 | Channel %1 block %2 form incorrectly defined |
61610 | Channel %1 block %2 no infeed depth programmed |
61611 | Channel %1 block %2 no intersection point found |
61612 | Channel %1 block %2 thread axis cutting not possible |
61613 | Channel %1 block %2 undercut position incorrectly defined |
61800 | Channel %1 block %2: External CNC system missing |
61801 | Channel %1 block %2: Wrong G code selected |
61802 | Channel %1 block %2: Wrong axis type |
61803 | Channel %1 block %2 programmed axis not present |
61804 | Channel %1 block %2: Progr. position exceeds reference point |
61805 | Channel %1 block %2: The value is absolutely and incrementally programmed |
61806 | Channel %1 block %2: Incorrect axis assignment |
61807 | Channel %1 block %2 wrong spindle direction programmed (active) |
61808 | Channel %1 block %2: The final drilling depth or individual drilling depth is missing |
61809 | Channel %1 block %2: Impermissible drilling position |
61810 | Channel %1 block %2: ISO-G code not possible |
61811 | Channel %1 block %2: Impermissible ISO axis name |
61812 | Channel %1 block %2: Value(s) in the external cycle call incorrectly defined |
61813 | Channel %1 block %2: GUD value incorrectly defined |
61814 | Channel %1 block %2: Polar coordinates not possible with cycle |
61815 | Channel %1 block %2: G40 not active |
61816 | Channel %1 block %2: axes are not at the reference point |
61817 | Channel %1 block %2: The axis coordinates are within the protection zone |
61818 | Channel %1 block %2: The axis area limit values are identical |
62000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
62100 | Channel %1 block %2 no drilling cycle active |
62101 | Channel %1 block %2: Incorrect cutting direction – G3 is generated |
62103 | Channel %1 block %2: The finishing allowance is not programmed |
62105 | Channel %1 block %2 number of columns or lines is zero |
62180 | Channel %1 block %2 no name assigned to swivel data block although machine data $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 1 |
62181 | Channel %1 block %2 NCK software version unsufficient (missing TOOLCARRIER functionality) |
62182 | Channel %1 block %2: Load swivel head |
62183 | Channel %1 block %2 retraction mode GUD7 _TC_FR beyond value range 0…2 |
62184 | Channel %1 block %2 no solution possible with current input angle values |
62185 | Channel %1 block %2 no end stop assigned to rotary axes |
62186 | Channel %1 block %2 illegal rotary axis vectors |
62187 | Channel %1 block %2 name of swivel data block unknown |
62200 | Channel %1 block %2: Start spindle |
63000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
65000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
66000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
67000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
68000 | Channel %1 block %2: |
70000 | Compile cycle alarm |
75000 | OEM alarm |
75005 | Channel %1 block %2 CLC: General programming error |
75010 | Channel %1 block %2 CLC_LIM value exceeds MD limit |
75015 | Channel %1 block %2 CLC(0) with active TOC |
75016 | Channel %1 block %2 CLC: orientation changed for TRAFOOF |
75020 | Channel %1 CLC position offset at lower limit %2 |
75021 | Channel %1 CLC position offset at upper limit %2 |
75025 | Channel %1 CLC stopped because sensor head has been touched |
75050 | Channel %1 wrong MD configuration, error code %2 |
75051 | Channel %1 CC_COPON CC_COPOFF error code %2 |
75060 | Channel %1 tolerance window exceeded axis %2 |
75061 | Channel %1 coupling active axis %2 |
75062 | Channel %1 axes not in standstill axis %2 |
75070 | Channel %1 wrong machine data for collision protection %2 |
75071 | Channel %1 collision monitoring axis %2 |
75100 | Too many analog axes configured |
75110 | Axis %1 reached drift limit |
75200 | Channel %1 wrong MD configuration, %2 incorrect |
75210 | Channel %1 number of axes/axis assignment inconsistent |
75250 | Channel %1 tool parameters incorrect |
75255 | Channel %1 working area error |
75260 | Channel %1 block %2 tool parameters incorrect |
75265 | Channel %1 block %2 working area error |
75270 | Channel %1 tool parameters incorrect |
75275 | Channel %1 block %2 working area error |
75451 | Error with definition of setpoint switchover |
75452 | Axis %1 setpoint switchover not possible in the current state |
75500 | Channel %1 wrong configuration |
75600 | Channel %1 retrace support: wrong MD configuration. Error code %2 |
75601 | Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter in CC_PREPRE() |
75605 | Channel %1 retrace support: internal error, error code %2 |
75606 | Channel %1 retraceable contour was shortened |
75607 | Channel %1 resynchronisation not possible |
100300 | xxx not found |
100301 | The table cannot be completely generated |
100302 | No data available – or no access authorization |
100303 | Paging not possible |
100350 | Display MD saved |
100351 | Display MD take-over not possible |
101000 | No connection to the PLC! |
101001 | The PLC system status list cannot be read! |
101002 | Invalid password! |
101003 | Password for %1 is set! |
101004 | Password for %1 is set! |
101005 | The passwords do not match! |
101006 | Password is deleted! |
101007 | Password is not set! |
101008 | Current access level: %1 |
101013 | Input error – see help – (i)-key |
101016 | Error: The operand address is greater than 65535! |
101017 | No PLC input screen forms found! |
101018 | Reading-in only possible in an active PLC status! |
101100 | No access authorization! |
101111 | No axes configured! |
101112 | No drives configured! |
101113 | No channels configured! |
101114 | No MSD configured! |
101115 | No FDD configured! |
101130 | Error return value not defined: 00h 00h |
101131 | No servo disable at PI start |
101132 | Impermissible execution argument value |
101133 | MDx120 CURRCTRL_GAIN could not be calculated |
101134 | MDx407 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_1 could not be calculated |
101135 | MDx409 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME_1 could not be calculated |
101136 | MDx150 FIELDCTRL_GAIN could not be calculated |
101140 | MDx138 ROTOR_COLD_RESISTANCE = 0 |
101141 | MDx117 MOTOR_INERTIA = 0 |
101143 | MDx142 FIELD_WEAKENING_SPEED = 0 |
101146 | Boot file(s) saved |
101147 | Boot file(s) deleted |
101148 | Controller MD calculated |
101150 | MD set active |
101151 | Start-up successful |
101153 | MMC-NCK communication faulty %1 %2 |
101154 | PI service was rejected |
101155 | Path %1 not available |
101156 | Impermissible function |
101157 | File %1 not available |
101158 | Function not permitted in the current operating state. |
101159 | Remote block in wrong state |
101160 | Date and time of the PLC set |
101161 | The drive is not in cyclic mode! |
101162 | MDx134/MDx400 MOTOR_NOMINAL_FREQUENCY/MOTOR_RATED_SPEED impermissible |
101166 | MDx129 POWER_FACTOR_COS_PHI impermissible |
101167 | MDx134/MDx400 MOTOR_NOMINAL_FREQUENCY/MOTOR_RATED_SPEED impermissible |
101200 | Safety-Integrated data copied |
101201 | Safety-Integrated data confirmed |
101202 | SI data is copied from axis %1 to drive %2 Parameters: %1 = Axis name %2 = Drive number |
101203 | SI data not completely copied |
101204 | SI data not confirmed |
101205 | Drive data changed? -> Don’t forget to save the boot files! |
101206 | Search action running, pleas wait |
101207 | Position at $MN_ |
101208 | SI data confirmed: Axis 1 |
101209 | SI data confirmed: Drive 1 |
101210 | The machine data is being prepared for display |
101211 | NCK address not changed! |
101212 | NCK address changed! |
101213 | Invalid NCK address. |
101214 | Initialization of this window failed! |
101300 | Please wait – language is being changed |
103000 | There is no correction block on the NCK |
103001 | Selection is only possible after being enabled or in the RESET state. |
103002 | Copying to the clipboard is not possible |
103003 | MDI clipboard cannot be deleted |
103004 | Block search not possible |
103006 | Block search without calculation only possible on the main program level. |
103007 | Ending overstore is not possible in this channel state. |
103008 | Block search in channel %1 started – please wait |
103009 | Conflict between search type and search target! |
103010 | Invalid file name |
103011 | No program selected – block search finished |
103014 | Please reference the axis first |
104000 | Current tool not found |
104001 | No other tools available |
104002 | No other cutting edges available |
104003 | There aren’t any tools at all |
104004 | No tool selected |
104005 | No cutting edge selected |
104006 | No TO area available in the current channel |
104007 | Error during tool creation |
104008 | Error during cutting edge creation |
104011 | Error during tool deletion |
104012 | No master spindle available |
104014 | Incorrect entry |
104015 | Number of parameters per cutting edge is zero |
104016 | No spindle available |
104018 | Tool not available |
104019 | Tool type not available |
104020 | No empty location found |
104023 | Error during tool loading |
104024 | Error during tool unloading |
104025 | No magazine configured |
104026 | Notice: Tool is being loaded! |
104027 | Notice: Tool is being unloaded! |
104029 | Loading to this location not possible |
104030 | No more data available |
105000 | Error x y |
105001 | Cycle description sc.com not available |
105002 | File xxx already exists |
105003 | Workpiece xxx already exists |
105004 | Clipboard empty! To PASTE, COPY first |
105005 | Only workpieces can be inserted here |
105006 | Only files can be inserted here |
105007 | No name specified |
105008 | Memory error while writing a cycle call |
105009 | No write-authorization for the data |
105010 | No data selected |
105011 | Cycle description cov.com not available |
105012 | The program is not or only partially editable (NC reset) |
105013 | The copied data can be inserted with the soft key “Paste” |
105014 | Error while copying! |
105015 | Error while renaming! |
105016 | Error while deleting! |
105017 | Selection is only possible after being enabled or in the RESET state. |
105018 | Error during program generation! |
105019 | Error while opening a window! |
105020 | Error while closing a window! |
105021 | Error during workpiece generation! |
105022 | Error during enabling! |
105023 | File exists already! |
105024 | Check values! – At least 1 value lies outside the input limits! |
105025 | Please wait, the directory is being prepared! |
105026 | Notice! The simulated program and edited program are not the same! |
105030 | Please wait, renumbering is being carried out! |
105031 | Renumbering was aborted! |
105032 | Renumbering finished! |
105041 | Block number is too large! |
105042 | Impermissible block number! |
105043 | Impermissible increment! |
105050 | Please wait: Graphic is being output! |
105051 | Output of dynamic long texts for cycle parameterization |
105052 | Error in the cycle description of the ! |
105053 | No cycle available in current line! |
105054 | Error during cycle description call! |
105060 | Please wait: Initilization of the cycle support |
105061 | Error when opening the file! |
105062 | Error when closing the file! |
105063 | Error when positioning in the file %1! |
105064 | Error when reading the file! |
105070 | Please wait: Initialization of the simulation started! |
105075 | Not enough axes in the current channel? > Contour with default axis names: X, Z ! |
109001 | No switchover: Switchover disable set in current PLC |
109002 | No switchover: Target PLC occupied, try again |
109003 | No switchover: Switchover disable set in target PLC |
109004 | No switchover: PLC occupied by higher-priority MMC’s |
109005 | No switchover: No displaceable MMC at the target PLC |
109006 | No switchover: Selected channel invalid |
109007 | Channel switchover running |
109008 | Activation is running |
111001 | Non-interpretable step in line %1 |
111002 | Insufficient memory, abort in line %1 |
111003 | ManualTurn: %1 |
111004 | File faulty or not available: %1 |
111005 | Error when interpreting the contour %1 Parameters: %1 = Contour name |
111006 | Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1 |
111007 | Error in line %1 %2 |
111008 | Spindle not synchronized |
111009 | Load new tool: T%1 Parameters: %1 = Tool number |
111010 | Teach-in interruption: Log overflow |
111100 | Wrong position programmed for the spindle |
111105 | No measuring system available |
111106 | No spindle stop for a block change |
111107 | Reference mark not found |
111108 | No transition from speed control mode to position control mode |
111109 | Configured positioning velocity is too high |
111110 | Velocity/Speed is negative |
111111 | Setpoint speed is zero |
111112 | Invalid gear stage |
111115 | Programmed position was not reached |
111126 | Absolute value minus not possible |
111127 | Absolute value plus not possible |
111200 | Spindle positioning error |
111300 | NC start key defective |
111301 | NC stop key defective |
111302 | Spindle start key defective |
111303 | Spindle stop key defective |
111304 | Connection to the PLC broken off |
111305 | Asynchronous subroutine was not executed |
111306 | Error when selecting or deselecting constant cutting speed |
111307 | Error when deleting handwheel offset |
111308 | Error when setting upper spindle speed limit |
111309 | Error when selecting tool |
111310 | Error when selecting zero offset |
111311 | NC start not possible: Deselect single block |
111400 | Unknown PLC error |
111410 | Tool %1 was created |
111411 | %1 Tool(s) can (could) not be created |
111420 | Error during the inch/metric conversion! Check all data! |
111430 | Program not loaded. Error when converting old cycles in G code. No NC memory. |
111900 | Start only possible in basic display |
111901 | Contour is contained in the current program, machining not enabled |
111902 | Start only with valid reference point |
111904 | 4. Axis not configured, i.e., no driven tool possible |
112045 | Several insertion points required |
112046 | Main contour cannot be bypassed |
112052 | No residual material generated |
112057 | Programmed helix violates contour |
112099 | System-error contour pocket |
112100 | Error during renumbering. Original state restored. |
112200 | The contour is a step in the current program sequence. Machining not enabled |
112201 | The contour is a step in the current automatic sequence. Machining not enabled |
112210 | Tool axis cannot be switched over. Insufficient NC memory. |
112211 | Tool preselection could not be processed. Insufficient NC memory. |
112300 | Tool management type 2 not possible. Magazine not completely loaded. |
112301 | Tool management type 2 not possible. The magazine is not sorted as in the tool list. |
112323 | Replace swivel head. |
112324 | Load swivel head. |
112325 | Exchange swivel head. |
112326 | Set swivel head |
112327 | Angle not in permissible area |
112328 | Angle adapted to angle grid. |
112329 | Set swivel head/table |
112330 | Set swivel table. |
112350 | No swivel data set up. |
112360 | The step was not accepted into the program sequence, as the program is running. |
112400 | Is not available in the tool management |
112401 | Tool could not be created |
112420 | Error during the inch/metric conversion! Check all data! |
112502 | Insufficient memory, abort in line %1 |
112504 | File faulty or not available: %1 Parameters: %1 = File name |
112505 | Error when interpreting the contour %1 |
112506 | Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1 |
112541 | Program cannot be interpreted |
112604 | Connection to the PLC broken off |
112605 | Asynchronous subroutine was not executed |
112650 | Unknown PLC error |
112999 | Faulty grafic data. Exit graphic and restart |
120000 | Area %1 cannot be loaded! Acknowledge alarm, press area switchover key! |
120001 | Area %1 cannot be selected. Please deactivate area %2 |
120002 | Area %1 is still active. Please deactivate area %1 |
120003 | Area %1 cannot be deactivated. Please try again |
120005 | Please acknowledge the dialog box in area %1 |
120006 | The channel switchover is currently disabled by area %1. |
120007 | The channel switchover is currently disabled. |
120008 | Control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 001 control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 002 control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 003 |
120120 | The alarm list is full of alarm texts: Number of alarm texts too high Alarm texts: File %1 not found alarm texts: Input/Output error in file %1 alarm texts: Input/Output error alarm texts: Error when reading from the index file alarm texts: Error when writing in the index file alarm texts: Syntax error in alarm text file %1 |
120200 | Image preparation suppressed |
120201 | Communication failure |
120202 | Waiting for a connection to the NC |
120301 | Faulty entry for hardkey ‘Program’ in Keys.ini. |
120302 | The selection is not possible. A program has to have been edited first via the area ‘Program’. |
120303 | The selection is not possible. The edited file %1 no longer exists. |
120304 | The selection is not possible. The file %1 has insufficient read rights. |
120305 | Selection is not possible. The file %1 is currently being edited. |
120306 | The selection is not possible. The file %1 is selected and active in channel %2. |
120307 | The file %1 cannot be opened for the editor because it is selected in channel %2 for execution from external sources. |
120308 | In the event of an emergency stop, the program %1 can only be changed in the machine/program correction area. |
120309 | The selection is not possible. Please close the simulation and repeat the selection. |
120310 | The selection is not possible. Please wait for the pending action or terminate it, then repeat the selection. |
300000 | Hardware drive bus: DCM not present |
300001 | Axis %1 drive number %2 not possible |
300002 | Axis %1 drive number %2 assigned twice |
300003 | Axis %1 drive %2 wrong module type %3 |
300004 | Axis %1 drive %2 wrong drive type %3 (FDD/MSD) |
300005 | At least one module found on drive bus that has not been configured |
300006 | Module with drive number %1 has not been found on drive bus |
300007 | Axis %1 drive %2 not present or inactive |
300008 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit %3 is not available |
300009 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit %3 wrong measuring circuit type (type %4 used) |
300010 | Axis %1 drive %2 active without NC axis assignment |
300011 | Axis %1 drive %2 hardware version of spindle not supported |
300012 | Axis %1 drive %2 hardware version of control module not supported |
300020 | Drive %1 removed for diagnosis |
300100 | Drive power failure |
300101 | Bus communications failure |
300200 | Drive bus hardware fault |
300201 | Axis %1 drive %2 timeout during access, error location %3 |
300202 | Axis %1 drive %2 CRC error, error location %3 |
300300 | Axis %1 drive %2 boot error, error code %3 |
300400 | Axis %1 drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4 |
300401 | Drive software for type %1, block %2 missing or incorrect |
300402 | System error in drive link. Error codes %1, %2 |
300403 | Axis %1 drive %2 drive software and drive MD with different version numbers |
300404 | Axis %1 drive %2 drive MD contains different drive number |
300405 | Axis %1 drive %2 unknown drive alarm, code %3 |
300410 | Axis %1 drive %2 error when storing a file (%3, %4) |
300411 | Axis %1 drive %2 error when reading a file (%3, %4) |
300412 | Error when storing a file (%1, %2) |
300413 | Error when reading a file (%1, %2) |
300423 | Measuring results could not be read (%1) |
300500 | Axis %1 drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4 |
300501 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring |
300502 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring of phase current R |
300503 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring of phase current S |
300504 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of motor measuring system |
300505 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of absolute track, code %3 |
300506 | Axis %1 drive %2 NC sign-of-life failure |
300507 | Axis %1 drive %2 synchronization error of rotor position |
300508 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero mark monitoring of motor measuring system |
300509 | Axis %1 drive %2 current frequency exceeded |
300510 | Axis %1 drive %2 error on actual current measurement zero balancing |
300511 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring function active |
300515 | Axis %1 drive %2 power section heat sink temperature exceeded |
300604 | Axis %1 drive %2 motor encoder is not adjusted |
300605 | Axis %1 drive %2 motor change not valid |
300606 | Axis %1 drive %2 flux controller at limit |
300607 | Axis %1 drive %2 current controller at limit |
300608 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller at limit |
300609 | Axis %1 drive %2 encoder cut-off frequency exceeded |
300610 | Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification failed |
300611 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: Motion at rotor position identification |
300612 | Axis %1 drive %2 illegal current during rotor position identification |
300613 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum permissible motor temperature exceeded |
300614 | Axis %1 drive %2 time monitoring of motor temperature |
300701 | Axis %1 drive %2 start-up required |
300702 | Axis %1 drive %2 base cycle time invalid |
300703 | Axis %1 drive %2 current cycle time invalid |
300704 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle time invalid |
300705 | Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle time invalid |
300706 | Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time invalid |
300707 | Axis %1 drive %2 basic cycle times of axes differ |
300708 | Axis %1 drive %2 current controller cycle times of axes differ |
300709 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle times of axes differ |
300710 | Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle times of axes differ |
300711 | Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of axes differ |
300712 | Axis %1 drive %2 configuration of controller structure (higher dynamic response) not possible |
300713 | Axis %1 drive %2 lead time for position controller invalid |
300714 | Axis %1 drive %2 power section code invalid |
300715 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum power section current less than or equal to zero |
300716 | Axis %1 drive %2 torque constant less than or equal to zero |
300717 | Axis %1 drive %2 motor moment of inertia less than or equal to zero |
300718 | Axis %1 drive %2 calculation dead time of current controller less than or equal to zero |
300719 | Axis %1 drive %2 motor not parameterized for delta operation |
300720 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum motor speed invalid |
300721 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero-load current greater than rated motor current |
300722 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero-load motor current greater than rated current of power section |
300723 | Axis %1 drive %2 STS configuration of axes differ |
300724 | Axis %1 drive %2 number of pole pairs invalid |
300725 | Axis %1 drive %2 number of encoder marks of measuring system invalid |
300726 | Axis %1 drive %2 voltage constant is zero |
300727 | Axis %1 drive %2 reactance less than or equal to zero |
300728 | Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor torque/current too high |
300729 | Axis %1 drive %2 motor zero-speed current less than or equal to zero |
300730 | Axis %1 drive %2 rotor resistance invalid |
300731 | Axis %1 drive %2 rated power less than or equal to zero |
300732 | Axis %1 drive %2 rated speed less than or equal to zero |
300733 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero load voltage invalid |
300734 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current less than or equal to zero |
300735 | Axis %1 drive %2 field weakening speed invalid |
300736 | Axis %1 drive %2 Lh characteristic invalid |
300737 | Axis %1 drive %2 configuration of two EnDat encoders not possible |
300738 | Axis %1 drive %2 module number for measuring system not possible |
300739 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring system already used as motor measuring system |
300740 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring system used several times |
300741 | Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control gain out of range |
300742 | Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: converter frequency invalid |
300743 | Axis %1 drive %2 function not supported on this 611D controller module |
300744 | Axis %1 drive %2 safety monitoring checksum invalid, confirmation and acceptance test required! |
300745 | Axis %1 drive %2 limit values for safe end positions exchanged |
300746 | Axis %1 drive %2 SBH/SG not enabled |
300747 | Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time MD 1300 invalid |
300748 | Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of both axes differ |
300749 | Axis %1 drive %2 conversion factor between motor and load too large |
300750 | Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in speed control adaption |
300751 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed control gain too high |
300752 | Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency of setpoint current filter too high |
300753 | Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification current less than minimal value |
300754 | Axis %1 drive %2 signal number of var. signaling function invalid |
300755 | Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: motor is turning |
300756 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed hysteresis of setpoint current smoothing invalid |
300757 | Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor of torque limit invalid |
300757 | Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor of torque limit invalid |
300758 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > switch-off threshold |
300759 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > monitoring threshold |
300760 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: emergency retraction speed > max. motor speed |
300761 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: minimum axis speed > max. motor speed |
300762 | Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode already active |
300763 | Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode invalid |
300764 | Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode not possible |
300765 | Axis %1 drive %2 measurement of DC link voltage not possible |
300766 | Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency |
300767 | Axis %1 drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency |
300768 | Axis %1 drive %2 numerator bandwidth > double blocking frequency |
300769 | Axis %1 drive %2 denominator bandwidth > double natural frequency |
300770 | Axis %1 drive %2 format error |
300771 | Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: converter frequency invalid |
300772 | Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: speed control gain too high |
300773 | Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control structure not possible |
300774 | Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: changeover speed invalid |
300775 | Axis %1 drive %2 fixed link voltage of axes differ |
300776 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit monitoring must be active |
300777 | Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification current too high |
300778 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: converter frequency rotor position identification |
300779 | Axis %1 drive %2 motor moment of inertia less than or equal to zero |
300780 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current > rated motor current |
300781 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current > rated current of power section |
300782 | Axis %1 drive %2 reactance less than or equal to zero |
300783 | Axis %1 drive %2 rotor resistance invalid |
300784 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero load voltage invalid |
300785 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current less than or equal to zero |
300786 | Axis %1 drive %2 field weakening speed invalid |
300787 | Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control gain out of range |
300788 | Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in current control adaption |
300789 | Axis %1 drive %2 function not supported on this 611D controller module |
300799 | Axis %1 drive %2 data backup and reboot required |
300850 | Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in speed control adaption |
300854 | Axis %1 drive %2 signal number of var. signaling function invalid |
300855 | Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: motor is turning |
300858 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > switch-off threshold |
300859 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > monitoring threshold |
300860 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: emergency retraction speed > max. motor speed |
300861 | Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: minimum axis speed > max. motor speed |
300862 | Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode already active |
300863 | Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode invalid |
300864 | Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode not possible |
300865 | Axis %1 drive %2 measurement of DC link voltage not possible |
300875 | Axis %1 drive %2 fixed link voltage of axes differ |
300888 | Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in current control adaption |
300900 | Axis %1 drive %2 stop A triggered |
300901 | Axis %1 drive %2 stop B triggered |
300906 | Axis %1 drive %2 safe braking ramp exceeded |
300907 | Axis %1 drive %2 tolerance for safe operational stop exceeded |
300908 | Axis %1 drive %2 stop C triggered |
300909 | Axis %1 drive %2 stop D triggered |
300910 | Axis %1 drive %2 stop E triggered |
300911 | Axis %1 drive %2 error in one monitoring channel |
300914 | Axis %1 drive %2 safe velocity exceeded |
300915 | Axis %1 drive %2 safe end positions exceeded |
300950 | Axis %1 drive %2 is not safely referenced |
300951 | Axis %1 drive %2 test stop is running |
300952 | Axis %1 drive %2 acceptance test mode is active |
301701 | Axis %1 drive %2 limit value for safe velocity too large |
301702 | Axis %1 drive %2 track inversion incorrect |
301703 | Axis %1 drive %2 encoder/motor type are not compatible |
301704 | Axis %1 drive %2 pole pair width/division of linear scale (internal) out of range |
301705 | Axis %1 drive %2 distance-coded scale incorrectly parameterized |
301706 | Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization of cam position invalid |
301707 | Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization of modulo value for safe cam (SN) invalid |
301708 | Axis %1 drive %2 actual value synchronization not allowed |
301709 | Axis %1 drive %2 submodule with integrated linearization invalid |
301710 | Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI motor measuring system invalid |
301711 | Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI motor measuring system invalid |
301712 | Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI motor measuring system invalid |
301713 | Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI direct measuring system invalid |
301714 | Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI direct measuring system invalid |
301715 | Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI direct measuring system invalid |
301716 | Axis %1 drive %2 SSI direct measuring system without incremental signals not possible |
301717 | Axis %1 drive %2 SSI transmission timeout |
301718 | Axis %1 drive %2 combination of motor/power section invalid |
301719 | Axis %1 drive %2 power section data incomplete |
310505 | Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of absolute track, code %3 |
310606 | Axis %1 drive %2 external valve voltage supply failed |
310607 | Axis %1 drive %2 valve not responding |
310608 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller at limit |
310609 | Axis %1 drive %2 encoder cut-off frequency exceeded |
310610 | Axis %1 drive %2 wrong piston position |
310611 | Axis %1 drive %2 pressure sensor failed |
310612 | Axis %1 drive %2 force limitation off |
310701 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle time invalid |
310702 | Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle time invalid |
310703 | Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time invalid |
310704 | Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle times of axes differ |
310705 | Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of axes differ |
310706 | Axis %1 drive %2 maximum working speed invalid |
310707 | Axis %1 drive %2 STS configuration of axes differ |
310708 | Axis %1 drive %2 number of encoder marks of measuring system invalid |
310709 | Axis %1 drive %2 error in piston diameter or piston rod diameter |
310710 | Axis %1 drive %2 distance-coded scale incorrectly parameterized |
310750 | Axis %1 drive %2 feedforward gain too high |
310751 | Axis %1 drive %2 proportional gain for speed controller too high |
310752 | Axis %1 drive %2 integral gain for speed controller invalid |
310753 | Axis %1 drive %2 D component for speed controller invalid |
310754 | Axis %1 drive %2 friction compensation gradient too high |
310755 | Axis %1 drive %2 area factor too high |
310756 | Axis %1 drive %2 controlled system gain is less than or equal to zero |
310757 | Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency |
310758 | Axis %1 drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency |
310759 | Axis %1 drive %2 bandwidth numerator larger than double blocking frequency |
310760 | Axis %1 drive %2 bandwidth denominator greater than double natural frequency |
310761 | Axis %1 drive %2 proportional gain of force controller too high |
310762 | Axis %1 drive %2 integral gain for force controller invalid |
310763 | Axis %1 drive %2 D component of force controller invalid |
310764 | Axis %1 drive %2 controlled system gain for force controller is less than or equal to zero |
310771 | Axis %1 drive %2 gain in fine area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero |
310772 | Axis %1 drive %2 gain in rough area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero |
310773 | Axis %1 drive %2 gain at end of saturation area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero |
310774 | Axis %1 drive %2 zero area and knee area of valve characteristic overlap |
310775 | Axis %1 drive %2 knee area and saturation area of valve characteristic overlap |
311710 | Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI motor measuring system invalid |
311711 | Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI motor measuring system invalid |
311712 | Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI motor measuring system invalid |
311716 | Axis %1 drive %2 SSI measuring system without incremental signals not possible |
311717 | Axis %1 drive %2 SSI transmission timeout |
380001 | Profibus-DP: startup error, reason %1 parameter %2 %3 %4. |
380003 | Profibus-DP: operating error, reason %1,parameter %2 %3 %4. |
380005 | Profibus-DP: bus access conflict, type %1, counter %2 |
380020 | Profibus-DP: SDB1000 error %1 for SDB source %2 |
380021 | Profibus-DP: default SDB1000 was loaded |
380022 | Profibus-DP: configuration of DP master has been changed |
380040 | Profibus-DP: configuration error %1, parameter %2 |
380050 | Profibus-DP: multiple assignment of inputs on address %1 |
380051 | Profibus-DP: multiple assignment of outputs on address %1 |
380060 | Profibus-DP: alarm %1 on logical address %2 from unassigned station |
380070 | Profibus DP: no input slot available for base address %1 (length %2) |
380071 | Profibus DP: no output slot available for base address %1 (size %2) |
380072 | Profibus DP: output slot for base address %1 (size %2) not allowed |
380075 | Profibus DP: DP I/O failure slave %1 |
380500 | Profibus-DP: fault on drive %1, code %2, value %3, time %4 |
400102 | Delete DB 2 in the PLC and restart |
400103 | Delete DB 3 in the PLC and restart |
400106 | Delete DB 3 in the PLC and restart |
400109 | Delete DB 9 in the PLC and restart |
400171 | Delete DB 71 in the PLC and restart |
400172 | Delete DB 72 in the PLC and restart |
400173 | Delete DB 73 in the PLC and restart |
400174 | Delete DB 74 in the PLC and restart |
400250 | NCK sign-of-life monitoring |
400251 | NCK has not started up |
400252 | Sign-of-life monitoring |
400260 | Failure of machine control panel 1 |
400261 | Failure of machine control panel 2 |
400262 | Failure of manual operating device |
400604 | Set change with M06 in the machine data |
400902 | Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 9 |
401502 | Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 15 |
401602 | Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 16 |
401702 | Impermissible spindle IF no. parameter in FC 17 |
401805 | Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 18 |
401901 | Impermissible BAG no. parameter in FC 19 |
401902 | Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 19 |
402501 | Impermissible BAG no. parameter in FC 25 |
402502 | Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 25 |
410150 | Area in M group decoder list is too large |
810001 | Error OB_event |
810002 | Synchronous error |
810003 | Asychronous error |
810004 | Stop/Interrupt event |
810005 | Order form execution event |
810006 | Error communication event |
810007 | Error H/F system event |
810008 | Error diagnostics data from modules |
810009 | User-diagnostics event |
Netzteil Siemens Simodrive defekt |
Simodrive X-Achse Fehler 300 607 |
E/R Module nicht betriebsbereit |
Antriebe nicht betriebsbereit, Freigabe nicht möglich |
Überlastung Z-Achse |
C-Achse Fehler Simodrive LT- Module |
Niedrige Spannung DC-Schiene ER Module Netzteil |
Antrieb der X-Achse dreht sich nicht, Simodrive defekt |
Simodrive E/R Module liefert keinen Gleichstrom |
Dioden an Simodrive E/R Module leuchten nicht |
Simodrive Sicherungen werden ausgeschaltet |
An Simodrive leuchten Dioden wie Spp, 5V Fault |
An Simodrive LT-Module erscheint folgender Fehlercode: E-A608 |
* 24 měsíční záruka na nové díly, na kompletní repase a stejně tak na náhradní a díly výměnou po kompletní repasi. U kompletní repase, výměny a prodeji náhradních dílů neprovádíme pouze naše preventivní opatření, ale důkladně testujeme každou elektronickou sestavu na funkci a zatížení. Kromě toho používáme originální a dle standardů bezpečné komponenty, a tím zajišťujeme bezpečnost používaných sestav podle norem směrnice o strojních zařízeních 2006/42/ES.
** Na „čištění a revize“ se nevztahuje žádná záruka.
Reparatur, Verkauf und Service für 6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2 Baugruppen
Auf Grund unserer langjährigen Expertise in der Reparatur von SIMODRIVE 611 Baugruppen sind wir in der Lage, Ihnen im Rahmen unserer produktüberholenden Reparatur ein vollumfängliches Servicepaket für Ihre Siemens Baugruppen des Typs 6SN1123-1AB00-0BA1 zu bieten.
Dies unterscheidet unsere produktüberholende Reparatur von konventionellen Reparaturen:
- Präventiver Austausch aller Bauteile, die einer Alterung oder einem höheren Verschleiß unterliegen
- Anlehnung unserer Reparatur an die EG-Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Austausch aller Komponenten, die als Schwachstellen identifiziert werden und somit ein Sicherheitsrisiko für die Maschine und deren Betreiber darstellen
- Ausschließliche Verwendung der vom Hersteller oder Gesetzgeber neuen & zugelassenen Komponenten
- Überprüfung aller relevanten Funktionen in Form von Funktions- und Lasttests
Mit unserer optionalen Eilreparatur sind wir zusätzlich in der Lage, die Reparatur Ihrer 6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2 Baugruppe in unserem zertifizierten Reparaturprozess bei gleichbleibender Qualität zu priorisieren.
Verkauf von Ersatz- und Austauschteilen sowie Neuteilen für 6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2
Sie benötigen schnellstmöglich ein Ersatz- oder Austauschteil? Wir halten ständig eine große Anzahl an Produkten der Siemens SIMODRIVE 611 Baureihe für Sie vor, sodass wir in der Lage sind, Sie in der Regel noch am gleichen Tag mit dem passenden Ersatzteil zu versorgen. Auf diese Weise leisten wir einen Beitrag zu Ihrer dauerhaften Maschinenverfügbarkeit.
Von diesen Kernpunkten profitieren Sie bei unseren Ersatz- und Austauschleistungen:
- Umfangreich getestet und geprüft
- Produktüberholte Ersatz- und Austauschteile sowie Neuteile
- Umfassende Verfügbarkeit, auch von typengestrichenen- und bereits abgekündigten Baugruppen
- Angebot von Neuteilen
- Über 100.000 Baugruppen sofort verfügbar
SIMODRIVE 611 Fehlerbilder
- Netzteil Siemens Simodrive defekt
- Simodrive X-Achse Fehler 300 607
- E/R Module nicht betriebsbereit
- Antriebe nicht betriebsbereit, Freigabe nicht möglich
- Überlastung Z-Achse
- C-Achse Fehler Simodrive LT- Module
- Niedrige Spannung DC-Schiene ER Module Netzteil
- Antrieb der X-Achse dreht sich nicht, Simodrive defekt
- Simodrive E/R Module liefert keinen Gleichstrom
- Dioden an Simodrive E/R Module leuchten nicht
- Simodrive Sicherungen werden ausgeschaltet
- An Simodrive leuchten Dioden wie Spp, 5V Fault
- An Simodrive LT-Module erscheint folgender Fehlercode: E-A608
6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2 – Service mit 24 Stunden-Erreichbarkeit
Wir sind rund um die Uhr und an sieben Tagen pro Woche für Sie erreichbar. Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie uns unter +49 6181 95404-200.